Lillith's Father: Chapter Nine:

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Chapter Nine:

"You're in danger."

I stared at him for a few moments silently before quirking an eyebrow.  "Danger?  Really Draco?"  

"Here.. j-just read this." The letter I'd caught Draco reading before was shoved into my hands. the paper crumbling slightly as I clenched it in my hands.  I looked between Draco and the paper one more before dewrinkling it and beginning to read it, skimming it at first to avoid the pleasantries.

My face paled slightly, and I felt cold as I continued reading, then rereading it over and over again until finally I looked to the blond haired boy.

"He wants me, and Snape is helping him..." My eyes burned as I felt my first tear fall, my chest ached and throat felt tight as I thought about my own father helping Voldemort take me away from the only home, family and friends I'd ever known.  Honestly, I wasn't scared of being taken by Voldemort, and maybe that was stupidity on my part, but the fact that my own father was helping him.. it was heartbreaking. 

"I can't believe him!  How could he do this to me!" I exploded, throwing the paper at Draco before upending the table, listening to the glass break and shatter over the floor.  "Why would he do this to me?" I asked brokenly, staring at the mess I'd caused as the second tear fell.  

"I'm so sorry Lily."  That was all he could say, I knew that. So without speaking another word, I left the Room of Requirement, nearly running down the halls, the winding and moving staircases, and straight to the dungeons. Luckily Professor Snape didn't have a class, otherwise I'd have interuppted it without a thought and I knew that he wouldn't have appreciated that in the least.

His head snapped up as the door slammed against the wall, his hand automatically reaching for his wand before relaxing slightly as he realized it was me.  "You!" I growled, stepping towards him.

"How could you?"  

His dark eyes lightened with confusion for a mere second before his mask was placed back over his face. 

"Excuse me, Miss Deacon?"

"You're helping Voldemort!  You're a Death Eater, and not only that, I'm supposed to be your daughter and you're just going to hand me over to him!  What the hell is your problem? What did I do wrong?  Because whatever it is.. I'm sorry," I cried, tears rolling down my face as I stared at him, unblinking.  "I'll do better. I'll do whatever you want me to do. I promise I can be a better daughter, if you'd just give me a chan-"

"Enough of your blabbering Lillith.  Sit down and let me explain." His features had softened before nodding and telling me to pull up a chair in front of his desk.  Slowly, cautiously, I moved forward, dragging a chair along behind me before setting myself down in it across from him.  

He withdrew his wand and I froze, suddenly terrified for my life, but he cast a silent spell, waving his wand in a circular motion around the room once before returning his wand to his cloak and his gaze back to me. 

"Yes, we planned to give you to Voldemort, we have no other choice.  I'm not abandoning you, nor do I plan for anything bad to happen.  The extra training you've been going through?  It's in preparation for your meeting with Voldemort.  I am Dumbledore's spy, and in order to keep my identity a secret from the Dark Lord, I must obey his wishes until I am no longer needed." 

I stared, frozen for several minutes at least, processing the information he'd just told me, my eyes darting back and forth as I thought.  

Was he telling the truth?  Could I trust him?  

Of course you can! My mind screamed. He's your father!  

A father who was going to hand me over to the darkest of wizards without even telling me.  

"Now, because I've told you, I'll need to train you even harder in Occlumency.  If the Dark Lord were to find out, the war could possibly be lost. Do you understand everything I am telling you girl, or are you just day dreaming?"  

I studied his face, knowing that it wouldn't make a difference.  He was a master at hiding emotions, I would never be able to tell if he was telling the truth or spouting lies.  

"I understand."

"How are you feeling?" His question caught me off guard and I was sure that it showed as my eyes widened and I arched my eyebrows upwards.

"Sore, my head hurts and my throat. I have a ringing in my ears," I answered as honestly as possible, finally relaxing in my seat for the first time since I'd come into the room.  I sat back in the chair, grimacing as my back refused to straighten against it.  My posture was awful, I realized suddenly before shaking the thought from my head. Now wasn't the time to worry about my posture.  

"Go get something to eat, the midday meal just started in the Great Hall and then go immediately to bed.  Tomorrow we'll begin our training again."

It wasn't past two in the afternoon, but I didn't argue, doing as he said and making my way to the great hall.  I sat two seats away from Harry, Ron and Hermione even though there was plenty of room for me to sit next to them. I didn't want to crowd them, I didn't want to seem clingy or annoying.  Honestly though, ever since the twins left, they've been the only people I could talk to at lunch. My other two friends were both from Slytherin so there were nearly no chances for us to speak.  

I noticed that Draco, however, wasn't sitting with his table. He wasn't in the Great Hall at all, and I wondered idly if he were still in the Room of Requirement.  

Then my thoughts moved to Professor Snape, Voldemort, this Bellatrix woman that was mentioned in the letter from before, Dumbledore, even McGonagall must know about this, unless she were just training me without any knowledge as to why she was doing it.  

But why wasn't I told?  It was my body, my life.. shouldn't I have some knowledge as to what would happen to it?  

What if the training didn't help? If Voldemort could still get into my head and discover father's secrets, it would be my fault, and Voldemort would probably kill us both, father and daughter.  What if he killed me anyway, regardless of training or ability to use Legimens to get inside my head.

"Lily, are you coming to Hogsmeade with us tomorrow?" 

Jerking my head and flinching slightly, I looked towards the 'Golden Trio'. I wanted to say yes, I wanted to be able to talk to my friends and hang out with them, go shopping with them but..

'Tomorrow we'll begin our training.'

I remembered my father's words, sighing as I shook my head solemnly.  

"Sorry, I have a lot of homework to catch up on. Thank you though."

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