Lillith's Father: Chapter Seven:

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Chapter Seven:

"She's doing very well, Severus.  You have no cause to worry, she's a strong girl," Minerva McGongall spoke, her voice carrying across the room to where Professor Snape sat, calm and emotionless.  At least on the outside, on the inside, however, if you had looked closely and could search through the darkness that lurked within Severus Snape... you'd see worry for the girl he'd quickly learned to love and think of as his daughter. 

"Not in my lessons, she is not.  She cannot concentrate, she's too tired and needs more downtime during the day lessons.  I've talked to Headmaster and he's agreed to take Lillith out of the class with that giant oaf."

* * *

Bellatrix stood next to Lucius Malfoy as he took a few bottles from a trunk inside of his study.  Just earlier today, she had asked him about his stocks of polyjuice potion and like the good brother-in-law he was, he quickly agreed to letting Bellatrix into his stocks.

"Thank you Lucius, this will come in handy, I assure you."  

Narcissa Malfoy, who stood outside the door to the meetings and new everything that the Dark Lord was planning, thought back to the summer days when her son spoke of a girl.  Lillith Deacon.  Wasn't that who the Dark Lord wanted?  

Biting her perfectly plumped lips, she calmly made her way to her bedroom where she decided she would write to her son... and warn him of the dangers this Lillith had coming her way.


"Aragog is dying," Harry whispered in the group later that night as we sat at in the Great Hall.  

"Who's Aragog?" I questioned, wondering who was dying in the school.  Was it a teacher?  Student?  My eyes wandered over the staff and students, none looked too sickly.  Draco did look beyond exhausted though, with deep bags under his eyes, dark enough to rival my own even.  

"I forgot you didn't know... Sorry Lily.  Aragog was a pet Hagrid once had, a rather giant spider who lives in the Forbidden Forest.  It's a good thing too, he did try to eat us after all."  Ron grimaced, his eyes getting a far-off look to them and i could see the horror build up in his orbs before he shuddered dramatically.   "Definitely a good thing." 

"I have to go, I have detention with Snape tonight," Harry muttered as he quickly stood up, making his way out of the Great Hall.  I stared after him for a moments before turning back to Ron and Hermione.    Hermione throwing a disgusted look Ron's way as he shoveled food into his mouth.  I ever-so-politely turned away from him before excusing myself from the table.  I'd have to start skipping either lunch or supper just to get a quck one hour nap, meaning even less food than I was already eating. 

If Madam Pomfrey ever found out about this, she'd be liable to tie me down to a bed and make me sleep for ages. 

My feet felt weighed down as I slowly climbed all the staircases towards the Gryffindor common room, and I waved a seemingly-happy hello to Sir Nicholas, the Gryffindor ghost.  The moment he'd passed me however, the smile fell off my face and i continued on my way.   I just needed some sleep before my Occlumency lesson.


You could see in his eyes how disappointed my father was in me.  I hadn't been able to concentrate the last two hours of our lessons, and I was beyond exhausted.  I felt as if I hadn't slept in months, my throat was on fire, my eyes burned as if I hadn't blinked them in hours, not to mention my head felt as though there was a jackhammer tearing it to pieces. 

But I couldn't let my father be disappointed in me. 

"Again.. please," I pleaded as he began to turn away from me.  His face was as emotionless as ever, but his eyes.. the doubt and disappointment in them hurt me more than any words he could have said. "I can do it." 

I could barely hear him whisper the spell before i felt my father invading my mind, browsing it at his leisure.  I could see my own memories being brought up out of the back of my mind where'd I'd locked them away.  The mindless beatings of the Deacon family, the countless days locked in my room with no food or water, the hours upon hours of cleaning the house only to have it destroyed the next morning.  

In my subconcious, as I looked at my own memories, I could feel warm liquid trickling out of my nose and mouth, though I paid it no mind, I simply watched as every bad moment in my life was replayed all within minutes. 

"Severus!" I heard the yelling, the voice sounding vaguely familiar though I couldn't quite place it.  As my father was seemingly forcibly removed from my mind, I felt myself falling forward out of the chair i'd been placed in when the lesson had started. 

My eyes were blurred, burning still and I closed them hoping that it would help take the sensation away, however all I could see was the Deacon's and all they'd put me through.  My body was easily lifted from the cold, hard ground and I could hear that familiar, feminine voice directing my father what to do. 

"Quickly, Severus, get her to Poppy!"

 I opened my eyes once more, blinking to clear them before wiping at the trickling liquid from my nose, pulling my hand away bloody. I looked up at my father who carried me as if I weighed no more than a toddler. 

"You can put me down," I spoke as loudly and clearly as posslible as I struggled to be released, feeling awkward in the position I was in.  No doubt he wouldn't want to be seen carrying me around.  His grip tightened as I felt a wave of dizziness sweep over me, and I leaned my head against his shoulder, breathing heavily.

What was wrong with me?



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