Lillith's Father: Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen:

Fred and George Weasley waited day in and day out to hear something about their Lillith.  The shop kept them busy for the most part, but when the store was closed, they had all the time in the world and more to think about what was going on.

Was she okay?   Was she scared?  

Was she alone?  Was she already dead and was their anything they could do to save her if she wasnt?

Everyone noticed the difference in the Weasley twins.  Where once they had been happy and playful and mischievious, now they acted as though they were zombies, sometimes going hours without making a joke or cracking a smile.  It was painful to see, and their friends who had graduated already came around often, trying to cheer them up.  

Most of the time, it was useless.  No attempt worked but they kept trying.  When the Weasley's were misterable, everyone was miserable.  


Severus Snape worked hard to keep his act together. He could not let on how upset he was, how worried he was that his daughter was in the possession of the Dark Lord.  The Dark Lord, who was well known for torture and murder, and Lillith was with him.  She could very well already be dead, brain dead or actually a corpse.  

He wouldn't know.  He didn't know.  

He had no idea what had happened, was happening or what would happen to his daughter, and that drove Severus Snape crazy.  Nobody bothered him.  People worked harder in Defense Against the Dark Arts just so that he wouldn't have anything to get angry about.  

The Professor was handing out detentions left and right and nobody could escape.  

Nobody knew the reason behind it either.  The detentions.. they gave him something to do, something to focus on so that just for a little while, just for a few minutes, he wasn't driving himself to insanity with thoughts of Lillith Deacon.


I sat on the stone bench, my eyes wanting nothing more than to close and sleep for hours and days at time.  But I couldn't.  In all honesty, I was terrified.  What would they do to me if I fell asleep.  The torture from yesterday had lasted hours, and I wasn't complete sure that I could go through that again without breaking down.

I whimpered, trying to close in on myself as I imagined being put through all of that torture once more.  I shivered, wishing that I had an extra dress or a blanket or even a sheet that I could have covered up with.  With a resigned sigh, knowing I'd be stronger if I got some sleep, and maybe even would feel better, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning, when I finally woke up, I was half frozen and thirsty as I'd ever been.  But unlike most days that I'd been here, there was no food and water waiting on me.  There was no anything.  There was no hair brush or new, plain dress like there usually was on the days that I would be joining the Dark Lord for his Death Eater Dinner.  

I supposed that after they realized I was lying, they decided torture and starvation was better than being nice and proper to their prisoner.  

My stomach rumbled slightly but I did all I could to block the noise and the feeling of hunger out, though it was much harder than it sounded.  I had nothing to use for a distraction, no games or even a rock or a stick to toss around.  

Instead, as a last resort, I leaned back against the prison cell wall and closed my eyes, just imagining anything and everything I could.   Photos and videos made in my own mind flashed over my eyelids, ranging from something as boring as working a school test, what I'd ever do if Professor Snape told me he loved me, what I would do when I got out of here.  What were the golden trio and my boyfriend and his brother doing?  What if Fred and George weren't twins?  What if Ron had a twin sister?  How much would change if any of that were true.  

There were a million ideas and what-if scenarios that played through my mind that day, and the days to follow.  Some made me smile, some depressed me, I cried whenever my mind ventured towards what Fred must be going through.  Was he worried about me? As much as I would have liked to hope not, I knew he was.  We were best friends and he was my boyfriend and I was his girlfriend, there was no way he wouldn't be worried about what had happened to me.   Unless he didn't know what had happened.  Maybe he was sending me letters and wondered why I wasn't writing him back.  Maybe he thought I hated him and was ignoring him for no good reason..  

"Come, girl." A male voice sneered as the door to my cell was thrown open.  I flinched as the hairy beast of a man growled at me like a dog would and jumped up to move and do exactly as he said.  

He pushed me in front of him, his hand tangled in my hair and pulling me back to him like a yoyo, making me grimace as tears pricked my eyes.  He pushed me once more and pulled me back to him with my hair, making me grunt as I bit my lip, trying to hold in my cry of pain.  

Once we'd come to the room I'd come to associate with torture, dinners and interogations, I was pushed one last time, this time slamming onto the ground on my knees.  I bit my lip so hard that I drew blood, and even then a strangled cry escaped my throat, making Bellatrix smirk down at me as she stood over me.  

Looking around, I noticed that besides me, only Bellatrix, Fenrir Greyback, and two other beings were in the room.  Unfortunately, those two other living breathing, beings were Voldemort and that monster snake, Nagini.  

I knew where this was going. 


Panting for breath, trying to ignore the stining pain in my throat from so much screaming, I moaned as Fenrir yanked me up by my hair before his hands gripped the back of my torn and ragged, bloody dress.  

They were going to drive me to insanity if they kept this up, either that or they'd kill me.  I knew that.  I knew that if I wanted to survive the day, then I needed to escape.  Right that second.  I couldn't sit around and wait for them to finish their torture.  But if I managed to escape from Fenrir's grip, I doubt I could get passed the various spells that were put up around this place, or the large snake.. 

It would be a chance I'd have to take.  If I got caught, it wouldn't make much of a difference.  I'd get killed one way or another.. so why not just try to escape.  At least then, I have a teeny tiny chance of living.  

With that thought in mind, I changed into my lemming form, biting Fenrir's hand as he held on to tiny-me and took off running for the open door as soon as he'd released me.  

One chance, Lillith.  That's all you get, my mind whispered to me as I dodged the first of their fired spells.

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