Chapter 5:mistletoe

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A/n:hey guys mio here I made the art yeah its not so good but yeah still waiting for the audition and the chapter for the other story well it will take awhile so enjoy the chapter.


I woke up with a jacket on me it was warm I looked around to see my house was decorated with Christmas stuff every where and huge Christmas tree, I went up to my room and changed my clothes and went back down stairs to see muffet on the couch"hey muffet when did you get here?"I said as I walked up to her"I just came here"she said I went and explored the house I saw aton of mistletoe there's one at the entrance to every room and the door, I can tell this is going to be along day.I went to my room and got the jacket then I realized what  happened yesterday and wait.......this is sans' jacket I blushed light red but I tried to ignore it.When I reached his house I knocked on their door after like 2 seconds I saw mettaton open the door"oh hello darling~ what brings you here?"mettaton asked"well I came to give sans jacket ba-"mettaton stoped me"oh darling you look terrible here let me help you"he pulled me outside but I throw the jacket on the couch with a note on it then mettaton pulled me to his hotel then pulled me into the dressing room I saw a ton of dresses as in a TON of dresses and make-up.

He let me choose a (fave color) dress and some flats he asked me to wash my hair, what's with this guy? I went to the wash room and washed my hair and went back to mettaton.He made me sit on a chair which was really soft by the way, he styled my hair in a ponytail and put small diamond declarations and curled the ends of my hair, then he told me to put on the dress then he put some light make-up."aahh darling you look fabulous~"he said and pulled me out back to snowdin"uh mettaton where are we going?"oh it's a surprise~"we stoped at sans and papyrus' house mettaton hid me behid his back and opend the door"everyone may I present (y/n) 2.0!!"he said as he pulled me from behide his back, I blushed as red as a tomato I looked at papyrus to see him smiling then at sans who blushed dark blue then ran to his room.said I was going home and went back to hot land.when I got home I saw muffet, undyne and alphys (yeah muffet went here and you have a room in there house toriel made it for you dont ask why but im really really confused)watching t.v. "hey princess what you up to"undyne teased"uuuhhhhggggg!!!"I went to my room and changed into a red and green sweeter what ever you want bottom then went down stairs and sat down near muffet "hey (y/n) truth or dare?"mufget asked she know I would never give up a dare"dare obviously""ok I dare you to....kiss sans"I blushed madly as if I was a tomato"m-m-muffet!!??""what I know you like him as in I KNOW you like him whenever you go out and see him you blush" I fell like hitting her"f-f-fine"as I heard it someone knocked on the door I went to get the door eeeeehhhhhyyyyyyy what a surprise its......sans and counting the mistletoe yeah its a kiss.I looked at muffet then sans did to then muffet pointed at the mistletoe but when sans looked back at me I went for it yeah i kissed him his face went blue after that I backed up he was still really blue from the kiss "going to my room now" then I ran to my room and slam the door then I blushed into my pillow then heard the door open I peaked at the door to see sans"hey kiddo I was just checking if your ok"he said"I-I'm I'm fine"I said"paps told me to cal you he said you were going to theach him how too cook?"I got up in realised the cooking leasons I promised him"ah! Get up now we have to go to teach him"I grabbed his had and ran all the way to snowdin.


Hey der guys mio here merry late Christmas sorry for the late chapter I'm sure ill make it up to you mio go to collleg and make you proud actually I'm nowhere near colllege so we have the word count is 777

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