Chapter 7:♥Death vs ♡Life

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Your POV

It was morning I went around snowdin, hotland and the overworld I couldn't find amy my friend I walked to every inch of everywhere but no trace sans, papyrus, undyne, alphys and muffet voulentired to help me then undyne said"hey how 'bout we look in waterfall?" What where is that? I never even know there was a place called waterfall"sure lets go.

When we were there we saw a girl with pink hair not blue I went to ask her if she knew amy"hey do you know a girl named amy blue long hair?"she turned to look at me "yeah I know her she's actually my sister"she asked "yeah I'm (y/n) this is sans ,undyne ,papyrus, alphys and muffet"she came closer and whispered "hey (y/n) is that small skeleton your bf?"I think sans heard that he blushed blue my face went red"anyway Amy's this way"we ran to a big house in between two waterfalls we went inside we saw a ton of paintings then we saw a girl sitting on the stair case looking at her phone she looked at me her eyes widened her red eyes"(Y/N)!?"tears were forming in her eyes she ran and hugged me "ahm"sans coughed to get our attention "oh yeahI amy this is sans, muffet undyne, papyrus and alphys there friends"I said as I put my hand around sans neck, he smiled "hey (y/n) he your bf cuse you two look cute together "I gulped cuse I think sans heard that I put a hand on her mouth then pulled her to her room I removed my hand from her mouth she gasped for air"listen were not dating or something like that we're just friends plus you don't wanna mess with him his well deadly or me k I'm not mad cuse your my best friend" she looked at me with a wide smile "ok bro its fine you should have just said so"she said "we better get down there they must be looking for us"we went down stairs to see her sister flirting with............s-s-sans, help I think I'm gonna snap I started to twitching"a-a-amy w-what's her n-name?" She looked at me worried"she Jessica my sister she's really flirty with monsters" I looked at sans he looked really uncomfortable Jessica put her face closer to sans face sans tried his best to escape but it was to late the red petals started to flow around me a knife in my hand they all looked at me in surprise "oh no"sans said looking at me "huh" Jessica said looking at me "hehehehehe" I laughed twitching I sprinted towards her with the knife in my hand I bolted for her head but then sans papyrus and muffet held me down "let me GO!!"I screamed " (y/n) stop!"I kept trying to let me out of there grasps "shut up sans your mine!"finally I broke away from there grasp i dashed for her she dogged my first attack she dashed to the kitchen and grabbed a knife the same as mine and started to fight me to while fighting she said" what I thought you didn't like him?!"I responded"of course I like him you think I can just give him away like that?!"I laughed we both looked at sans seeing his left eye glow light blue(hey what a coincidence I'm listening to megelovania while writing this LMAO ) he told us to stop fighting but we didn't listen more like we didn't hear it he lifted his hand which brought us go above ground we stoped in one position which is really uncomfortable by the way he let out a sigh and put us down "(y/n) is what you said true?" The petals were still floating around me tears started to form in my eyes"oh course its true sans I messed up didn't I (sigh)" he looked like he was about to rage quit "(y/n) I-I..-"I cut him of "I know I know, I'm a disgrace"I said as I ran out the door.I ran and ran so I couldn't hurt anyone I ran to a place ful of echo flowers there was one flower out of place it was a golden flower it looked familiar I sat beside it but then (why he resembles the one who created~ nah just kitten you) thorny vines wrapped around me the flower started to laugh "YOU IDIOT I THOUGH I TOLD YOU DOWN HERE IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED, HAHAHAHAHA!!" he grow 12 times bigger than what he was before he started to attack me my health went down I grabbed the knife out of my pocket and cut of the vines I escaped and went to try to escape but he caught me in a corner a Sharp vine went directly to my soul I closed my eyes......waiting. ........waiting I openead my eyes slowly to see sans impled by the vine he was bleeding? No this can't be happening seeing him die infront of me salty tears ran down my tears as he fell to the growned he looked at me and gave a weak smile"(y/n)" his eye sockets closed my attention turned to flowey my eye went bloody red more and more petals started to flow around me I grasped the knife so hard my fist turned wight "HAHAHAHA AW LOOK AT YOU, IS LITTEL (Y /N) ANGRY?! HAHAHAH!" All of a sudden music started to play out of nowhere it sound"hehehehehe you think I'm going to let you get away with this"I felt my sanity break, I started to sing(enjoy my little parody) I started to attack and doge while singing

"Its a beautiful day outside birds are singing, wind is flowing on day's like this flowers like you......should be rotting in hell turn around kid it be a crime if I had to go back on that day that I fist met you so don't step over that line or else friend your gonna have a bad time, but guys like you don't play by the rules and girls like me ain't easy to played for fools so let go let the room get chiller lets go dirty boyfriend killer.Go ahed and try to hit me if your able I tough you'd be good guy when I met you I can tell your getting really sick of missing but I think your juts mad cuse your single.Your not gonna win we'll be here together fighting in this wishing hall forever I know you'll just get mad each time you miss me but I'll always be right back here to meet yah I know your made of L.O.V.E. (music plays on) this is where it stops this is where it ends if you want to get past me well you better try again but no matter how you stal me I don't give up my attack do just want to win or do want all of us to die, Go ahed and try to hit me if your able I though you would know by now that mercys of the table think that you can try to spare me like I'm some pawn"FloWeY is sparing you (not)" well you didn't spare my sansy so get dunked on I know you made their house burn to the ground I know you can do a lot of bad but you know that I wont give up i'am your demise i have no mercy I'am determination I know your made of E.X.P but I think I'm stronger that you." Flowey stumbled to his roots and returned to his normal size he looked injured to injured"hehehe look how's laughing noooww"as I knew it two options came 'fight or mercy'I giggled like a maniac he looked at me with wide eyes"no, no, no, no, no please don't" my laugh got louder and louder I walked towards him"as I said no mercy"I pressed fight "NO!!"he faded I knew I won my sanity still didn't return tears ran down my face my grin became wider I fell on my knees laughed as heavy tears ran down my face "HAHAHAHHAH!!" Until I realised that sans was still there the though of him dead made me cry even more I grabbed him and walked back home my sanity was still lost the red petals it wasn't light red it was like blood the tears got heavier at the thought of what papyrus and the others would think? I've been walking for an hour now I stopped for a while I dropped sans next to the wall the petals became darker tars got heavier

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