Chapter 13:Inktale?(EDITED)

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Your pov

"C-chara?"I whispered the same voice returned a response"yes you guessed it!"I held my head it felt like my head was about to explode.Sans left eye glowed blue again alomg with my soul, he raised his hand sending me up but before I hit the sealing I woke up in a cold sweat.I looked around I was laying down on a two person bed the room was very colorful, painting, pencils, erasers and some crumpled paper on the floor.I got up and fell down again(lol reader-chan you so clumsy) I looked at my leg it was coverd in bandages and some blood covered it , I tried to walk out of the room at least I made it do the door frame.As I walked out I saw a skeleton that looked like sans but smaller'hoolly guacamoleI his so cute!!'I thought he was carrying some (favorite food) well until he saw me he dropped it then came rushing up to me"a-are you ok?!"he asked I nodded slowly he sighed in relief"so, hi! I'm sans from inktale you can call me inky!"he held out his hand I sook it"um inky where am I?"I asked still looking around "well my rival error you were about to shake his hand for the reset but that would make chara go genocide on the real world again so I stoped it then you passed out the I carried you here"he said "plus you dropped you bag"inky added'YES THE CREATOR SAVED MY SKETCH PAD!!!'I thought I grabbed the bag and and sat on the couch and pulled out my sketch pad and my pencil "hey you know how to draw?!"I said as his eyes sparkled"well I wouldn't call it great though"I giggled"hey wanna try drawing each other?"inky said as he grabed his sketch pad and a pencil "sure!!"I yelled.

Let the intense drawing battle begin!!!


End of intense drawing battle! !!

*Guys I'm so sorry for the very late update*hey that rhymed*school sucks at least it almost over and I stole lumens senpai ben drowned heheh mission complete*


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