Chapter 8:Genocide

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Hey der guys mio here and here a chapie  going to be  long and sorry if I post it late cuse I have school there's only 3.5 months left so yeah and i may have some misspellings here soo..........ENJOY!!!!

Your POV

I stoped at a wall I set sans down so I could rest the petals never went away the tears got heavier at the thought of sans dead I kept thinking until I realised that where would I go without sans I'd be lost without him, I punched the wall so hard it had large craks on it"GOD DAMMIT!!"I screamed so loud that it echoed through the entire room, I'm useless look I hurt Jessica cause I let my jealousy take over now sans is dead ..........what am I ?

Amy's POV

We searched every where for (y/n) we can't find her, Sans went out to look for her but sans didn't come back.Its been 3 hours we can't find them until we heard a scream"GOD DAMMIT!!"it echoed trough the halls of the wishing room I called papyrus, alphys, undyne and muffet we came closer to where the sound was we saw red petals through another hall there they were"(Y/N)!!" We stoped to see sans bleeding on the floor (y/n) was crying her eyes out until she noticed us her eye widened  the petals became a darker shade of red and tears got heavier papyrus broke the silence"b-b-brother?"he walked up to sans (y/n) moved away as if she was scared "human I'm not gonna hurt you just tell me who did this?"she stayed quiet he looked at her and put a hand on her shoulder""she backed away and said"FLOWEY IT WAS FLOWEY I DIDN'T DO IT PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!"we all gasped in shock"human its ok we're not gonna hurt you, at least he isen't completely dead"papyrus said looking back at sans " h-he isen't?"he nodded"come on lets get you back home"I said grabbing her hand she smiled and hugged me .We walked her home and we took sans to alphys lab to try to bring back sans we laid sans on a oparation bed"l-looks l-l-like  the c-cuts a-are d-deeper t-than  I t-thought "alphys stuttered she pulled out some lab stuff that I don't know about"guys c-can y-you get s-some extra clothes f-f-for s-sans?" We nodded "wait didn't sans clothes burn in the fire?"undyne said putting her hand behind her head"hey maybe we can ask (y/n) for clothes "I said looking at the others smile" thats not a bad idea kid" undyne nudged me we laughed for a while then went to (y/n) house.

( time skip brought to you by sans and  the author
Sans:wait I though I was dead?
Me:no your not your HALF dead
Sans:wait your the author shouldn't you know what's going on?
Me:well yeah but......can we just get back to the story now?
Sans:sure kiddo go ahead.  )

We arrived at (y/n) house an hour later we opened the door  to see (y/n) sitting on the couch watching MTT "hm oh hey guys what yah looking for?"she asked looking at us"we need some clothes for sans to barrow "she blushed a light red and nodded she went to her room I fallowed her "so your half monster huh?"I said looking at her with a smile"hey your not all human to you know"she said "heh yeah""ok heres the clothes"she brought out a light blue turtleneck and a pair of shorts"hey amy mind if I come with you?"she smiled tilting her head"eh, sure lets go"we walked down stairs  and walked to alphys lab to see sans strapped to the bed different machines attached to him lab equipment at his sadie and alphys getting more equipment she looked at us and smiled "hey guys you got the clothes great!!"(y/n) looked surprised"alphys your not shuttering? "She said looking at her"well yes cuse the new episode of mew mew kissy cutie I've been waiting for for 4 days!!"we both smiled and then she added"also there showing assassination classroom and danganronpa the animation (these are my favorite animes btw and now its yours lol) (y/n) jumped and hugged alphys so tight she turned wight she let go of alphys"ok so is it fine if you can.......well.......c-changed him??"I looked at (y/n) about to laugh she blushed dark red until I just broke I fell on the floor laughing my blue hair got messed up doing that when I got up she punched me on the shoulder not playfully "ouch"I said still laughing a little I gave her the clothes me and alphys walked out of the room to watch mew mew kissy cutie until"OH MY GOD SANS YOUR AWAKE!!!" we ran inside to see (y/n) hugging the hell out of sans, on the other hand sans was smiling"w-what but yoir not suppose to wake up until tomorrow?"alphys said looking at the machine next to sans "hey sans you should change your clothes you got blood and petals on you we can't seem to remove the petals though they seem stuck"he nodded and grabbed the clothes.

(another timeskip brought to you by .......uh the author I guess?
Sans:yey I'm alive!!
Me:who told you to mess around with the timeskips?
Me:oh god what is happening!?
Frisk:hey I'm I in the story yet?
Me:well you are in this now
Gaster:how about me?
Me:no your not can we get back to the story now
San, papyrus, frisk and gaster: yup!! )

Your pov

Sans put on the clothes I gave to him we went home to see papyrus, muffet and undyne sitting on the couch watching some assassination classroom"hey who said you could wach that without me!!"I yelled "hehe sorry bro we just- wait is that sans?!"undyne looked surprised"no I think thats a door"she lookes dissapionted"oh..." "hey but what's that next to the door"they all stood up "OH MY GOD!!" They yelled and hugged sans I giggled and went to my room and flooped on my bed and took a small nap.After awhile someone shoke me awake it was alphys"hey (y/n) you want to watch some dangan ronpa?"I rushed up and grabbed her and ran down stairs  I turned on the t.v. and jumped on the couch we watched the first 10 episode's then went to sleep

(Timeskip till midnight)

I woke up to my door being creacked open I saw a blue light coming from the the livig room the most appropriate thing to do is go check on what is was.It was sans he was glowing blue he looked at me and grind "hey there kiddo wanna have a bad time?"his left eye glowed blue remember this is real life not a dreamhe summoned a gaster blaster and it shot a blue sort of thing from it mouth"looks like your gonna have a blast" he chuckled I went as a monster again a knife in my hand until"SANS I CAN HERE YOU TERRIBLE PUNS FROME HERE I TOLD YOU TO ST-"he looked at us he had a smal child with him they had short hair a stripe sewter their eyes was closed they looked scared (btw frisk's fighting form is chara but chara won't kill) "HUMAN WATCH OUT!!"he pointed at the bones coming at me I swiftly doged them"hey papyrus do you know anyone else who can fight? "I said blocking the attacks that sans was trying to hit me he nodded and looked at the kid"are you serious paps thats a like 6 year old kid"suddenly their sweater turned to green and a light shade of green a sharp knife in their hand and their cheeks were light red their eyes opened it was in a dark shade of red"ok now thats just creepy"I wasn't paying attention a bone was heading right towards me the kid jumped and blocked the bone with the knife"you got to be careful you know"they said "thanks kid by the way what's your name?"I asked "my names frisk and you?" I told them my name they nodded we went on fighting for hours until I think we woke up undyne "THE HECK SANS WHA-!!" She looked at sans like he was a maniac another gaster blaster showed up and shot at us"oh, thats the last straw sans!!"she went genocide to, ok what is happening? She had armor and one of her eyes were glowing yellow (I don't know what eye it was but don't care) "sans I don't know what your doing but please snap out of it its 1 vs 3 now please! "I said blocking the attacks alphys ran out the room looking panicked"oh no, I knew this would happen he woke up to soon I was going to tell you but you looked sooo happy the vine had poison in it the same exact one that that made flowey turn huge and evil now its happening to sans!!"but wait if the vine had poison then what about the vine that wrapped around me oh god"alphys the vine had poison so dose that mean the same vine that wrapped around me is going to do the same on me but.......worse?"I said looking at alphys her eyes widened and took out a piece of paper"the poison that has been injected to you will do much worse that what is happening to sans but I don't know what will happen"she ended her sentence with sweat going down her head " sans please forgive me"the petals glowing around me became darker a grin spred across my face this is it time to go genocide"its a beautiful day outside birds are singing flowers are blooming on days like this kids like you..."his left eye was glowing so did his hand"should be burning in hell"my eyes widened and he shot another gaster blaster frisk and undyne were blocking the attacks while I headed for sans we ended up fighting for 30 minutes until a bone hit me on the arm blood was dripping frome the cut sans eye flickered to wight then to blue again" y/n are you alright?!"undyne said blocking another attack"y-yah I'm fine but I think I know how to turn him back to normal"w-what how?!"they both looked surprised as I said"we have tovlet him hit us cuse the real sans won't kill us" they looked at each other then nodded they took the attacks our hp went down and sans eye flickered frome wight to blue repitedly is it working??

Heu guys sorry gor the realllllllllly late chapter I promise ill make a next one and worf count is 1882

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