twenty eight.

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"how's your volunteering at the hospital going?"

"well dad, it's going well."

and it was.

i was keeping myself busy.

dallas was helping me be more adventurous.

and lily was always the light of my day.

it was just that..

i didn't realize the possibility of getting close to someone and them dying.

i didn't realize that these people weren't like people i met on a daily basis.

they were hanging on.

to hope.

to normality.

but they knew the chances of death were around the corner.

they were ready and yet that didn't mean friends and family were too.

the key.

was to not get attached.

realize people weren't made to stay in this earth forever.

"i'm glad indie, your mom would be proud of you."

the smile disappeared from his face and i knew he still missed her too.

"i know."

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