twenty nine.

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"should i be scared?"

"do you trust me?"

"i don't think so."

"come on, it'll be fun."

me and dallas snuck out from the hospital today to perform one of his thrilling tasks.

"lead the way."

dallas had a big sack he carried over his back, noticeably heavy.

"dallas what's in the bag?"

"you'll see."

he walked a little bit further till we stopped inside an open tunnel.

"you brought me to a tunnel."

"patience my friend. it's what we are gonna do to the tunnel that's fun."

"and that is exactly?"

he dropped the sack and out poured paint, balloons, and spray paint.

"so we are vandalizing property?"

"no, that's where you are wrong blue. we are simply making our world a little bit more prettier."

"fine, but if we get arrested. it's all your fault."

he rolled his eyes "lighten up."

"what's in the balloons?"

he smirked and picked up one of the balloons and smashed it against the tunnel wall. green paint oozed from the ballon, dripping down the wall.


it was actually pretty cool if i was being honest.

i picked up two balloons and started throwing them at the wall. color exploding everywhere.

now this was fun.

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