fifty seven.

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"thank you dr. collins that's amazing news."

i hung up my phone and pondered my thoughts for a moment.

"what's good news?"

i turned around to see my dad placing his plate in the sink.

"dad, i'm going to tell you something but promise you won't overreact."

"i can't promise anything."

this made me hesitant but i took a deep breath and told him anyway.

"i'm giving one of my lungs to dallas."

i exhaled a sharp breath, glad to be getting it out in the open but my father obviously didn't agree.

"no the hell you aren't. why? why would dallas need a lung."

"dad, listen to me. he has lung cancer, he doesn't realize it, but he's gonna die if i don't help him."

his face softened, almost sympathetic.

"indie, honey, that's very unfortunate but you can't just give dallas your lung."

"dad, it's fine. i got tested and everything, i'm a match."

"you what?" at this point i could tell he was angry.


"don't dad me. i'm sorry about dallas' condition, but as long as i'm alive you will have two lungs in your body. do you understand me?"

"so your just gonna let him die! we couldn't save mom, but we can save dallas."

"indigo." he said softly.

"no dad. i have to help him. he can't die."

my face was turning splotchy red and the thought of dallas dying almost brought me to tears.

"indigo, he isn't going to die. and i'm sorry, but i have to worry about your safety and health first. i owe that much to your mother."

i owe that much to your mother

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