Chapter 32 - Warning: The Big Battle

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Chapter 32 - Warning: The Big Battle

Finnian's blood went cold when he heard Devon disappear.

"Where is he?" Cora asked the minute they all stepped inside the headquarters.

"Tartarus as well," Adrian answered—being there before all of them. The son of Apollo stared worriedly at Lionel as the older man endlessly typed something on the virtual keyboard on the screen, not in the least bothered by the new comers.

"Tartarus?" Aldrin asked with a deep frown, "The dark place ruled by some dude who uses an entrance in the giant Hollywood sign?"

As if a taboo was just said, thunder suddenly rumbled loudly just right behind them, as an ominous presence loomed over the place in the form of a dark cloud.

"That—is what Hollywood makes me look like," A deep sarcastic voice echoed from the dark cloud, red flashes appearing at every spoken word.

Finnian frowned, as an unmistakable godly feeling covered the entire room with its presence. The lights flickered on and off, the air went cold, and every breath taken bounced repeatedly along the walls, as if the godly aura confined them all in a large coffin.

Recognizing immediately which god it was, after putting all pieces together, Finnian bowed with respect to the god of the Underworld—Lord Hades, wherein he was followed by the rest of the people in the room.

"Lord Hades." It was only Lionel who put on a slight bow before standing up again, removing the pair of small glasses Finnian hadn't seen the older guy wore before. "What could have put us under these circumstances?"

The sudden bright red flashing of the cloud was a sure indication that the god of the Underworld was mad, real mad.

"Titans!" The god growled like a curse, "Some evil wannabe thought that he wanted to help those older butt rats escape the prison."

"I suppose that you have that person seized, Lord Hades?" Lionel continued asking.

"What? Of course not!" Hades roared, "Why did you think I called this stupid council for once? Get your toughest people ready. Titans are escaping from Tartarus. Zeus shouldn't know about this sudden assault at my domain."

Lionel nodded at the god, promptly turning to Hank. "Hank, gather all creatures available and have them ready for battle."

Hank nodded at Lionel, as he went to grab the microphone at the center table, speaking in a different language that Finnian didn't understand.

The eldest Descendant stood up from his spot, turning to Lionel with a determined look. "The Descendants would help."

The dark cloud suddenly purred in a thoughtful tone. "Descendants?" The god seemed to wonder, "Huh. They're back. How timely."

At the corner of his eyes, Finnian met Aldrin's in a silent conversation that they seemed to understand. The god only gave them another clue in their theory earlier at the lobby.

And that he might be right. There is no coincidence here.

But Tartarus being attacked? That sure isn't part in Devon's riddle game.

"Met those bunch a few millennia ago," Lord Hades grumbled—still about the Descendants, "Crazy dipshits who helped during Titanomachy. I thank their presence, but I believe they're better off dead."

The cloud began glowing in a bright red light, as it seemed to shift in position to face them—but why did Finnian had an inkling feeling that it only talked to him?

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