Rude Awakening

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  L wakes up to the sound of screaming. "It's mine, Mello! Give it back!" Says Near. "But I never get to play! Why can't I have a turn?!" (Near is a 10 year old boy and Mello is 11, they are brothers.)
  L storms into the room. Furious, he says "What's the deal out here?! I'm trying to get some sleep! It's barely 8:00am!" (L is Near and Mello's brother, he doesn't usually get this mad. He's usually in a very calm mood, but I guess you can say he just not a morning person. They also have another brother, Matt, but he's not in the house that often.) "Mello is trying to steal my toys!" Near says in tears. "But you never share your toys with me! I want to play too!" Says Mello.
  "Near! You have hundreds of other toys in your bedroom! Why don't you let Mello use one of them?!" "Well... *sniff* I guess you can use one of the other ones." Says Near. "But I want to play with the airplane!!" Says Mello. "Why don't you just play with any of his other 100 toys?!" L asks. *Near sobs*      
  "FINE!" Mello shouts and storms into their room to get a toy. "This is the dumbest thing ever." L turns to go back to his bedroom to sleep, but before he can take his first step, Near hugs onto his legs, still crying.
  L lifts near up to his level and says "It's ok, don't cry. Now go play with your brother." L sets Near down and he runs over to Mello to play. (L is a 17 year old boy and is Near and Mello's older brother) "Maybe I can get some sleep now." L walks back to his room and goes to sleep.
  L doesn't wake back up until 12:00pm. "Oh no, the boys must be starved!" L walks back out into the living room. "L!" Near and Mello say in unison. "You're awake!" Near shouts. "L, can you please make us some food? We're starving!" Asks Mello.
  "Sure guys. Sorry, I overslept." L says and walks into the kitchen. He makes some sushi for the boys and himself. Near and Mello run into the kitchen together. "Yay!" Says Near. "Yes! I love your sushi!" Mello adds. L smiles happily.
  It is now 6:00pm, it's dinner time and the 3 brother are gathered around the table enjoying leftovers from lunch. "Wow!" Says Mello. "Your sushi is even amazing when it's leftovers!" The brothers laugh together.
  After dinner L puts on a movie. Near and Mello are sat on the ground playing with toys while L pays close attention to the movie. "Oww!" Shouts Near as a airplane toy hits his forehead.  Near rubs his forehead. "Ooh, I'm sorry." Mello says. "That looks like it hurt."
  L pauses his movie and says. "Shhh! Be quiet please. This is a really suspenseful scene." "Sorry." The 2 little brothers reply back in unison. L mumbles something under his breath and starts the movie again. Near and Mello look at each other with worried expressions.
  When the movie is over both the littler brothers are asleep. L stands up and cradles one boy in each arm and carries them into their room. He tucks each sleeping boy into their bed and walks to his room. He gets into his bed and says "Today was a pretty interesting day."

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