Scary Movie

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  (It's 9:00pm and L is watching a horror film called the grudge with his brothers.) "eeeek!" Near and L shout as the creepy character crawls out of a mirror. "Oh, come on guys. It's not THAT scary!" Says L. "I-It's pretty scary L." Says Mello.
  (The movie is over and L is putting the brothers to bed) "Goodnight guys!" Says L.
"G-goodnight L." Says Mello. Near is under his sheets quivering with fright. L looks at Near, shrugs, and walks into his room to go to sleep.
  It's 11:00pm and L wakes up to someone shaking him awake. "Uhhhhh.... What is it?" L moans. "L, we can't fall asleep. That movie scared us too much. So um can we sleep with you?" Says Mello. "Yeah, go ahead."
  The boys crawl into bed with L and tuck themselves in. L yawns and says "Goodnight guys." "Goodnight" The boys reply in unison. Near hears a noise and clings onto L tightly. Mello is sound asleep. "It's ok near, it was just a noise." Says L rubbing Near's head. Near falls fast asleep after that, so does L.

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