A Day At The Park

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  It's lunchtime and the brothers are gathered at the table eating ramen and fried dumplings.
"Yumm! L, these dumplings are amazing!" Says Near. L replies. "Um thanks. What do you guys want to do today?" "Let's go to the park!" Says Near. "I love the park!" Mello adds. "Okay then, the park it is." L says.
  When the brothers arrive at the vacant park, Near and Mello run over to the playset, L finds a bench where he can watch the boys and sits in his awkward squatting position. Mello and Bear continue to run and play for a few more minutes when suddenly he hears a crash and crying.
  "Oh my god, Near are you okay?!" Says Mello. L sprints over to Near and asks. "Near! Oh, God what happened?!" Mello replies. "He was running and all of a sudden fell off the playset!" L picks up Near and runs to the car and Mello follows. Near is wailing and cradling his ankle.
  When they get back to the car they rush back to the house. Near has started to calm down, he's no longer wailing, just crying. As soon as they get back to the house L picks up Near and sprints into the house. "Watari! Come quick!" Shouts L. (Watari is L, Mello and Near's handler, the founder of Wammy's house. He's out of the house a lot, but when he's around he takes on a father type role for the brothers.) "What is the matter L?" Watari says walking back into the room. "Near is hurt!" Says L handing Near over to Watari.
  Watari sits Near down on the couch and asks. "Where does it hurt?" "I-its my a-a-ankle." Near replies. Watari does some little tests to see what's wrong with his ankle. "Well I don't think it's broken but I believe it's sprained." Says Watari. Watari gets a little ankle-brace and puts it on Near. "Ok, well, um, there you go." Says Watari.
  L takes Near and Mello to their bedroom, and says "Ok, today was a long day and I'd bed you two are really tired, especially you Near." but when he looks over at Near he's already asleep in his bed. "Wow." Says L and looks at Mello. Mello shrugs and says "goodnight."
  Once L gets back to his own room he figures that he too, is actually really exhausted. He changes into his pajamas and gets to sleep.

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