Chapter 9: First Day Here

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Hey Guys Sorry For The Late Post. Have A Bit of Writer's Block & Have Been REALLY Tired. Anyways . Enjoy! <3



Yesterday wasn't the greatest day at school, but its Tuesday so I hope it's at least a little better. Leah and I walk in through the school doors, while girls whisper, fix their belt short skirts, and pull down their belly cut shirts causing their boobs to spill over. Guys shake their heads at the girls for not paying any attention to them.

Looking over at the end of the hallway I see Ariana and Nicole talking to each other. Wow. The two biggest sluts in school talking to each other never thought I would see the day.

"Like oh my god! Did you hear there's a new student?" Ariana says twirling her hair.

"Oh my god! Yes! Everyone has been talking about it all day! Sucks for everyone because I found out last night" Nicole smirks obviously feeling more important.

Ariana gasps, "Luckyyy!"

"I know" Nicole says leaning against a locker.

I look over at Leah and give her a questioning look, "What's up with everyone?"

Leah looks at me with the same look and shrugs, "No idea". All of the girls look at something behind us and quickly fix their already perfect hair. Leah and I turn around as the perfect guy walks through the doors. Noah.

Noah looks around and when he spots me, he smiles and walks over to where I am. As soon as he reaches us he puts his hands in his pockets and looks so adorable.

"Hey Annabelle" He says.

"Hey, you finally came" I say with a smile.

Noah chuckles and says, "Yeah, I was kinda nervous yesterday, so I came today"

"Don't be nervous, it's just school and besides it's seems that all the girls like you already" I say pointing to all the girls that are giving me envious looks.

He turns around and then turns back to me and shrugs "They don't matter to me"

"Oh, why's that?" I ask fixing my backpack strap.

"Because they're just not the ones for me" He answers. I wonder what the girl actually is for him. Was I his type? Or is someone else? Ugh now I'm getting all flustered. I turn to Leah whose just standing their looking at Noah.

"Leaaaahhh" I say snapping and waving my hand in front of her face.

Leah jumps a little then turns to me and asks "Whaa?"

I laugh and shake my head at her. "You're just standing there"

Leah blushes "Sorry" Then turns to Noah and says "Hey Noah" with a small wave.

"Hey Leah" He says with a small laugh.

"So where's your locker?" I ask.

"Uhm, I don't really know but its number 211, do you know where that is?" He asks look over a piece of paper.

"Actually that's the locker next to mine" I say walking to show him where it is.

"That's cool" He says walking next to me.

I turn to Leah whose just standing there. "Coming Leah?" I say trying to not to laugh.

She shakes her head as she comes over next to me. Leah leans over and whispers in my ear "Gawhd, I think he is hotter than the last time we saw him"

I burst out laughing, while Noah gives me a weird look. Ignoring his look I whisper in Leah's ear, "You know you have a boyfriend right?"

"Yeah well. He's still sexy" Leah shrugs.

I shake my head while we continue to walk. I point to Noah's locker and tell him "Here it is"

"Thanks" He says smiling at me, before turning to his locker and opening in it. I put the combination in mine '19-01-11' while Leah does the same to the locker on the other side of mine. Yes Leah has the locker to my left and Noah now has the locker to my right. Crazy right?

Leah and I put our stuff in our lockers quickly then we both turn to Noah who's looking over the piece of paper he was before.

"Hey do you guys know where the class room to AP English is?"

I stare wide eyed that's where Leah and I are going to. "Uh-Yeah that's where Leah and I are heading to"

He looks up and gives me that sexy smile "Wow, small world"

"What do you have after that?" I ask, while he just hands me the piece of paper.

*1st- AP English

2nd- AP Spanish

3rd- History

4th- IT


5th- Gym

6th- AP English Literature

7th- Science

8th- APMaths*

[A/N: Yeah these are some of my classes for next year. Lots of AP classes. Smart girl right here xD]

"Wow, Leah and I have 1st, 2nd and 5th with you" I tell him handing back the paper to him.

"Good, at least I won't completely be there alone" He chuckles.

"Well come on! Let's go to English" Leah finally speaks up linking her arm through mine.

I turn to Noah who's smiling his cute cheeky smile. "Well come on" I say pretending to be mad but failing epicly.

He shakes his head still smiling as he comes to my other side while we all walk to the English classroom.

This is going to be a great year.


****Flashback to last night****

"Come on baby, let's go again" She nibbles on my ear.

"We just went two times already" I smirk at her.

"I know but I love your body against mine" She says trailing a finger down my arm. [A/N: I barfed a little bit when I wrote that. LOL]

"I'm so flattered" I say winking at her.

She giggles and wraps one leg around my waist, "Well it's the truth"

I laugh slightly, "I need to go to the bathroom really quick"

She pouts sticking out her bottom lip, "Well hurry up. I don't like waiting"

I get out of the bed before heading to the bathroom to do my business. I moved here just a week ago and I already found myself a sex toy. Amazing. Heading out of the bathroom I walk and jump into bed as the girl giggles from the bouncing.

"Where were we?" I mutter rubbing her side.

"Mm. I think right about here" She says putting both her legs around my waist and kissing my neck.

"Nicolee.." I moan in her ear.

Nicole moans, "Let's go again"

"Okay" I say forgetting about what I said earlier.

The same thing three times. Don't I have charm?

****End of Flashback****


So, I hope you liked it and don't forget to fan & vote[;

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