Chapter 14: One Simple Question

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Sorry I havn't uploaded. Havn't had internet for the past two weekends. ADDED Actual titles to the chapters, a new cover and a decent chapter(: YadaYadaYada. Fan PWEASE. Enjoy! <3



She thinks she can do this to me? Treat me like I’m not wanted. Please! She wishes she was me. I’m better than her in every way possible.

Watch out Annabelle! You just might get hurt.


I pull away to find Noah with a huge smile spread across his face. I rise up an eyebrow before wiping off my face with my hand, “Is there something on my face?”

He laughs before grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers, “There’s nothing on your face”

"Then why are you looking at me like that?”

Noah blushes slightly looking away before turning back, “I just-I don’t know-you look really pretty”

I blush before rubbing my other hand on my cheeks to get rid of the warm feeling coming upon them. “Thanks” I whisper.

He laughs again showing his perfectly white straight teeth “Do you want me to walk you home?”

"Sure” I smile, “Only if you want too”

“Of course I do” He states squeezing my hand a little.

On our way to my house which surprisingly feels as if it’s just around the corner Noah and I talk about stuff that we don’t know about each other. Noah’s favorite color is green, has a strong liking to Baby Ruth’s and star bursts, has a step-sister named Kaylee, and strongly dislikes his jerk of a dad.

The great getting to know each other game was cut short as I see only a couple steps away from me the “Welcome” flag next to my door step. I sigh before turning to Noah seeing him with his hands in his pockets. I notice how when he stands like that he looks kind of like Brandon. Of course Brandon is more of the kind of guy that I would definitely go for. Knowing him for years- UGH! Stop Annabelle! He doesn’t like you, doesn’t love you and never will!

I shake my head quickly to clear my thoughts before Noah grabs my hand making me look up to him, “I had a really great time”

"Yeah me too” I tell him with cheeky smile. From the corner of my eye and I can see the guy that I definitely made my night probably one of the worst nights I’ve had in a long time. The cheeky smile easily comes off of my face and turns into a deep frown. As if he could hear me he looks up to see me, relaxation crosses his eyes before he realizes that Noah’s in front of me.

I quickly turn back to Noah before he can try to see what I’m looking at. “So uhm-“He stumbles rubbing the back of his neck, “I was wondering...”

I rise up an eyebrow waiting for him to finish what he wants to say.

“Well, I was wondering if maybe you wanna go out with me.” He asks looking at me through his eyelashes.

I look over quickly to Brandon seeing that he has one of the saddest face expressions I have ever seen before turning back to the guy who made this night one of the best. I think for a couple seconds glancing between the guy I might fall for and the guy who I’m trying to not fall for. I finally decide.

.             .         .          . 




Those three letters making my heart break over and over and over again. Why would she say yes? Because she saw Nicole kissing you, you fucking idiot! Great now I’m talking to myself!

I glance over at Annabelle who’s looking into my eyes as she hugs Noah. I clench my fists and look away quickly before I go over there and beat her new boyfriend’s ass. Before I even think I run up to my house door opening it quickly and shutting the door with so much force I’m surprised it didn’t break off.

I lean against the door un-clenching my fists slowly as I breathe in slowly. Leaning away from the door I head up stairs. Cold showers always calm me down. Quickly taking off my clothes and sneakers I hop into the shower.

Grabbing my shampoo I scrub my hair with a handful of it. Turning around I grab my body wash and scrub my body until my skin feels raw. Rinsing my hair quickly but still getting all the shampoo out I turn back around to turn the shower knob the other way.

Opening the curtain back open again, I move to the cup-board grabbing a clean white towel and wrap it around my waist. I open the door to my bedroom as I run a hand through my hair. I sigh looking into my boxer drawer grabbing a pair of Sponge-Bob ones. Don’t judge me. They’re the best boxers EVER.

I laugh at my own stupid joke before quickly putting them on throwing my towel on my chair, and put on my favorite black and blue pajama pants. Grabbing the towel I run it roughly through my hair and put it on my side of my laundry basket.

Climbing into my bed I bury myself deep into my blanket while looking out the window to Annabelle’s room. Opening the door to her bedroom she shuffles in before closing the door again. She runs her hair through her hair before I assume she heads to the bedroom, after about 15 minutes of waiting for her to come back out while I look through random things on my phone she finally does.

Wearing nothing but a big black shirt that says ‘Planet Fitness’ and a pair of purple lacy underwear that you can slightly see under them. Annabelle turns off the light and quickly climbs into bed; luckily since her window is open the moon shines on her face. She rubs her eyes with her hand.

I was thinking that she was about to fall asleep before I see her whole body shaking uncontrollably. As she moves her hand away I see her eye lids turning a slightly pink color while tears are running down her beautiful face.

I look over at her, my heart telling me to go talk to her, but my mind telling me to go to bed since she just might need some space.

Listening to my brain I turn the other way, wrapping the blankets tighter around me as sleep completely takes over my body.

I’m so sorry Annabelle…


I knew sooner or later Annabelle would fall for me. I’m still completely shocked that she even said yes. Maybe this time Annabelle’s different from the other girls, but maybe she’s not.

I sigh as I kick off my shoes. Annabelle’s pretty, funny, sweet, and has the most perfectly shaped boobs I have ever seen. I laugh out loud for me sounding like such a creeper right now.

Just be careful Annabelle…

Some people are not what they seem.


Herro You Smexxi Beasts. Hope you guys liked this chapter & PWEASE FAN . Again. Have a good weekend[;

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