Chapter 13: Funny How Things Change

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Ohkay so since I will probably write on the weekends only from now on. I will write my stories longer because some people don't really like them short. LOL, Anyways. Enjoy! <3


Chapter Brandon:

-Before Annabelle Enters & Beyond-

I’m standing against the wall looking around the room so I can find Annabelle. As if on queue I see the girl that always haunts my dreams at night. Wearing a perfect dress to match her perfect crystal blue eyes. UGH! I sound like such a girl right now.

She scans the room before her eyes land on Nicole shoving her tongue down Lucas’s throat, before shivering in disgust before heading into the kitchen totally ignore her “date”. I shake my head to try to relax, so I don’t go over there and hit him. I drink some more beer while I watch Annabelle shake her sexy ass on the dance floor. Most people would say I’m a stalker, but since I love this girl and she might feel the same about me, it’s different.

When I am about to move and go over to where she is all of a sudden I feel a clammy hand on my arm that no other belongs to Nicole. Before I can say anything she asks, “Hey Brandon, can you do me a favor?” rubbing her hand on my chest.

I try not to shiver in disgust, “Can I help some other time?”

“Please” Nicole biting her lip trying to look sexy, but really looking like a little kid begging for candy.

I sigh before telling her “Fine”

She suddenly brightens up before grabbing my arm and leading me to wherever she needs me to do. Walking down a hall filled with random people making out she opens a door to a bedroom that is in random pinks and purple’s which I assume is hers. I walk in a little bit to look around, “So what do you need me to do?”

Nicole giggles while biting her pointer finger that’s in her mouth while she eye rapes me, “I need you to” she says moving a step forward while rubbing her hand down my shirt, “have fun with me”


Before I can move to leave she already has her hands pushing me onto her bed. “Uhm, Nicole I need to leave” trying to push her off. Instead she quickly pulls off her dress so she is just sitting on top of me in a bra and underwear. Lots of guys would be HAPPY to see this, but since I love a girl ten times better than her is what makes me different.

“Nicole, I can’t do this” I say trying to move. Geez she’s heavy for a girl who looks skinny.

“Awwh come on baby, let’s have some fun” She says unbuttoning buttons on my shirt.

“I can’t Nicole and I never will” Ignoring her sudden sad face expression.

Nicole finally stops “Why not?”

"Because I love someone” I tell her as if she was like a friend of mine all of a sudden.

She puts a hand over her heart “Oh, I’m so touched” And it’s gone…

“WOAH!” I put my hands up in defense, “it’s not you Nicole”

Nicole laughs and shakes her head while un-doing for buttons “Come on baby, I bet I can show you a better time than she can” Before stuffing her tongue into my mouth.

“Nico-“I try to push her off me by pushing on her shoulders and stomach.

“Mmm Brandon” She moans taking it the wrong way. I try to push harder on her shoulders when I hear “Brandon?”

Nicole sits up as be both turn to see Annabelle with tears about to sprinkle out of her eyes. I push Nicole off of me before standing up quickly and move over to her, “Annabelle it’s not what it looks like” I try to explain.

“No Brandon, it looks exactly what it looks like” Her words leaving a pang in my chest as I tear runs down her face, before turning and quickly running away.

“Annabelle! ANNABELLE!” I try to call after her. Which is no use, I have ruined everything. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn around to see Nicole.

“Come on baby, you don’t need her” She tries to tell me as she’s about to put her arms around my neck.

I shake my head and move away quickly, “No, you ruined everything”

A sad glimpse crosses her eyes before saying “Baby, you don’t mean that”

I shake my head “I’m sorry Nicole but I never want to see you again, you just made me loose the love of my life” I tell her quickly walking away.

“You better watch out for her Brandon or she’s gunna get hurt!” Are the last words I hear before walking down the stairs so I can try to find the one girl I need to talk to the most.


Tears are falling down my face as I hear footsteps behind me while I run away from the party that has officially ruined my life. I feel a hand grab at my wrist “Leave me alone Bran-“I say before turning around and seeing it’s actually Noah.

“Oh, sorry” I apologize putting my head down and rubbing the tears off my face with the back of my hand.

He puts his arms around my waist and pulling me to him before asking, “Are you okay?”

I put my arms around his neck and bury my face into his neck “Yeah, just some problems, but it’s okay” Moving my face to look into his perfect gem green eyes.

“Are you sure? I mean you just ran out of there and it looks like you have been crying” Noah asks again as if I would have a different answer.

“No, I’m fine really” I lie with a fake smile.

"Good” He smiles his handsome smile.

“Come on, let’s go back” I tell him grabbing his wrist and walking a little down to street so we can go back to the party.

Noah instead pulls me back “Are you sure you really wanna go back to the party?” He asks intertwining our hands leaving little tingles through them.

“Not really” I say having a real smile upon my face.

“Good, because I don’t either” He chuckles a little bit.

“So what do you want to do?” I ask.

He smirks, “I can think of a few things” Before leaning in and kisses me sweetly still leaving tingles on my lips. When he moves away I grab the back of his head back to me kissing him harder changing this kiss into a hotter, heavier one. Maybe this is how it’s supposed to be.


Hopefully you guys don't hate Brandon anymore since you finally know what really happened? Bytheway, like my story & please fan [;

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