II| That Butler; Dreams

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Sebastian hadn't left his room in three days. None of the servants asked about him and Ciel didn't summon him either. Everyone just went about their daily lives. The stranger kept appearing and disappearing on his own accord. Sebastian was at his limit. He couldn't take this much longer. Although sleep wasn't necessary for demons, Sebastian felt an overbearing urge to rest. He laid on his bed and closed his eyes. It was time for a nice long nap. Maybe, when he woke up, he'd realize that it was all just a nightmare, and he could return to his life as a butler.


"Hello, Michael," a figure stood in the darkness. Sebastian was having a dream. He didn't realize that demons could have dreams. But, apparently, it was possible. 

"Hello, Vincent?" Sebastian asked. He wasn't sure if he was correct. He hadn't thought of Vincent in a very long time. His memories of the past were slowly starting to become less foggy the longer he was a part of this dream. 

Vincent walked closer to Sebastian, so he was more visible, to affirm who he really was. "It's been a while, my good friend."

"You don't even exist anymore, you're dead," Sebastian frowned. How was it possible to talk to a dead man? Well, this was a dream, he shouldn't be too concerned about logic here.

"Ah, yes, truth there, but you ate my soul, didn't you? That means I'm a part of you now. That means I am still alive, in a way, to you, that is," he stated. Is that really how that works? Sebastian wasn't sure. Something like this had never happened to him before. Could he trust his dream? Well, there wasn't a reason not to trust it.

"But, what is your relationship to that man I keep seeing?" Sebastian asked. Vincent just sighed, he was clearly disappointed in the demon.

"My beloved demon, you really have forgotten him, haven't you? The first human you ever cared about? No. Ever loved?"

Sebastian frowned. He certainly wouldn't have told Vincent about anyone he had loved or hadn't loved. This wasn't Vincent. This was just a figment of his imagination. This was just something his self-conscious was using to tell him about the mystery man. What if this was actually just an elaborate way of his mind messing with him? What if this was really just a sign that Sebastian was losing his mind?

"Yee of little faith. Why don't you believe that I'm living inside you? Well, I probably wouldn't believe it either. Still, that's a tad harsh," Vincent faked a couple of tears. "Anyway, since you have no recollection of this person, because you are obviously too in-love with my son. By the way, when I said to protect him, I didn't exactly mean that you should make a contract and then fall in-love.....moving on, I am going to help you remember by showing you your past."

"I do not love your son. That is ridiculous," Sebastian defended himself.

"You know what is ridiculous? Your denial. Honestly, Michael, I know you better than you know yourself. Don't argue with me. Plus, even Mey-Rin could figure it out by the way you look at him."

"I don't love your son! I'm just a butler. A demon butler. That's it. When your son is done with revenge, the contract will be over and I'll take his soul. There is no love involved."

"Now tell me, HOW IS THAT PROTECTION?! You're just making sure that you are the one that kills him! Sigh, demons will be demons. I'll never understand your thought process, even though I understand you so well, that is one thing I'll never understand."

"Well, if he never gets revenge, then he'll just die of old age, right?"

Vincent was fed up with Sebastian's weird logic and forced the scenery to change. Sebastian and Vincent were now witnessing a memory of a younger Sebastian. He had a different face but was still really handsome (naturally). His clothing was tattered and mostly made of rags. He hadn't bothered getting different clothes because it didn't seem beneficial to him. Despite all that, Sebastian still had incredibly good looks. Vincent was a little jealous, to be honest, but wouldn't anyone be?

The souls the younger Sebastian had been eating were distasteful, but the look of horror on their faces as he ate them were much too interesting to stop. One particular day, a human crossed his path that was different, to say the least. He had a different kind of scent surrounding him. The human was running from something. Another human, perhaps? Eventually, he became cornered and the pursuer threatened him with a weapon. The demon was too interested in the weird scented human to let him die so quickly. 

The demon jumped down from the roof he was sitting on and landed on the pursuer. He also happened to land directly in front of the strange human. Should he eat him now? Maybe he shouldn't...life was getting dull doing the same old thing everyday. The human stared at him, shocked. He had an eye-patch over one eye and his hair was an unusual color too. Navy blue. Is that a dye? And what is with all the piercings? The demon walked closer to the human and stared him in the eye. No matter how long he stared, he simply couldn't understand a single thing about the human.

The pursuer, now free, got up and tried to attack the demon. It was useless. The demon just snapped his neck, making sure that he wouldn't move again. The human wasn't bothered in the slightest. He was intrigued by this man before him. Why had he come out of the sky and saved him? Does he have some weird motive? Maybe he can convince him to be his bodyguard...

"Hello, my name is Leic. Thank you for saving me. What's your name?" Leic asked.

"I have forgotten my name. I've gone by a lot of things, so just call me whatever you want," his voice was deep and a little raspy. The human found it incredibly sexy.~

"Hmm..." the human placed a hand on his chin and tried desperately to think of a name. After a few minutes of pondering, the male just gave up and said, "I'm calling you Stephy! I can't think of anything else!"

Vincent and Sebastian were still observing the scene. Sebastian laughed quietly. "Stephy really isn't that much different from Sebby. I can't believe I forgot something like this..." he said.

"I'm telling you, you forgot because you're in-love with my son now. No use remembering an old flame if you've replaced him," Vincent replied.

"I am not in-love with your son!"

"No need to be so defensive! It's not like I'm mad about it. I'd rather it be you then some stranger."

"You're such a terrible father."

"You can't choose who you fall in-love with!~" Vincent smiled, "Besides, I've had a few loves of my own. I know what love is like, and love is not something you can control."

"There is no way an earl can fall in-love with a butler that is thousands of years older than him. I am also male."

"I know my son, and you don't have anything to worry about there. Besides, age is meaningless. I would prefer if you two didn't do anything 'naughty' till he was an adult, but, that's none of my business. As for class and gender, that's meaningless too. In any case, a demon like you doesn't care about age, class, or gender in the first place! You're a demon! Michael, you're a demon. It's in your nature to not care about these things! Stop making human excuses, it's pathetic. You're just in denial."

"He is your son! Do you know how weird that would be for me?!"

"Blah, blah, blah, all I am hearing are more human excuses! Are you a demon or aren't you?! You've been spending way too much time in the human world, Michael. Why can't you just admit it already? I'm telling you it's fine! You have my parental consent to love Ciel!" Vincent sighed. This demon needed to get the picture already.

The argument ceased when other memories flooded Sebastian's mind. Vincent continued to remind him of things Sebastian wished he could continue to forget and things he hated himself for forgetting. Leic was important but now someone else was equally important...but why had Sebastian allowed someone to replace Leic? Was it really okay for Sebastian to move on? He didn't know anymore. Sebastian was too confused with his own emotions. Demons weren't supposed to feel things like this, so, why was he?

That Butler; SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now