7. Rabbia di fuoco

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  © Kelly Faulk 2012

Chapter 7:  Rabbia di fuoco

A fire ball shot out of my hand, appearing from thin air magically.  It hit a nearby tree, but since it was small, it didn’t do any damage to the tree.  So I shot another, and another, until the tree was completely encased in fire, burning it down to the ground.

I had no idea how I came to have these powers.

All I could remember before I woke up was I had just gotten home from work, planned on passing out on my bed as soon as I saw it, but saw Sera, my most recent ex-girlfriend.  My first thought was, that bitch.  But there was such a sad look in her eyes when she looked at me.  I had decided to let her talk to me, explain herself.

Then I took her to my bedroom, and…nothing.  It was all black.  I couldn’t remember anything after we stripped off our clothes.

I had woken up naked, alone, wings sprouting out of my back.

Stumbling off the bed, I had tried to get them off of me.  What in the hell were they doing on my back?  I had thought.  How’d they get there?  Why were they there?  Who put them there?


That was the only explanation that made sense to me.  She showed up for no apparent reason, let me have my way with her, then I woke up with wings coming out of my back.  She had to have been the reason why they were there.  But how she put them there and why was still a mystery.

And that made me wonder about her.  Did she have wings, too?  Why did she have that magical power?  Why would she bestow upon me the powers as well?  I thought she hated me after I dumped her.  So why else would she come back other than to change me physically?  But I still couldn’t come up with a reason as to why or what I was now.

All I knew was that I had gray wings the size of my body, bright, flaming hair, fiery red eyes, and could shoot balls of fire out of my hands.

I actually came upon the last part by accident.  I had been an angry child when I was younger, constantly getting into fights with my cousins and siblings and with other kids at school, but now it seemed to be amplified.  I was angry at everything, how my apartment looked when I woke up, how my fish were almost all dead, how I had been fired from work for missing two days in a row, at Sera for doing this to me.  I wanted to go find her to give her a piece of my mind, but someone had moved into her apartment months ago; I had no idea where she disappeared to.

So I left.  Not knowing where to go or what to do.  Going outside didn’t seem like a good idea considering I had wings coming out of my back, but no one paid me any attention when I ventured outside.  Usually the doorman said something to me when I left or arrived, but he didn’t even look in my general direction.  That was very odd.

I had no way of learning what happened to me.  I wanted to know why I was like this, why I was chosen specifically to have my life changed for the worse.  And that made me angry yet again.

Since I didn’t know how to use my wings, I just walked to a secluded area.  The little thicket of woods not too far out of town.  Not many people went there because there was nothing to do in them.  After a few minutes of walking, I came across a large, level field.

But what startled me about it was the fact that the outer edge of the field had been charred.

Someone had been here.  That someone had to have been Sera.  She must have fire powers to.

The fact that she didn’t tell me about all of this pissed me off.  My whole body shook with anger, my hands clenching into fists, my blood boiling.  How dare she do this to me!

Without knowing how I did it, I released a fire ball from my hands, shooting it out straight from me.

What…the hell?

I’d looked down at my hands, wondering why they weren’t burnt, how they did that.

It took me a while to figure out how to do it again, and when I did, some of the anger was put on ice.  Okay.  Shooting balls of fire out of my hands was pretty cool.

So I spent a while learning how to control the fire.  And while I was learning…I thought of what I could do with my newfound powers.

Like seeking revenge.

 I wanted to go to Indiana, and it would be much quicker to fly.  I had wings, so why not learn how to use them?  It took me longer to learn how to fly than it did to control my fire powers.  But as soon as I mastered flight, I took off towards my childhood city.

There was one person I wanted to take care of more than others.  I had dated a girl since my sophomore year of high school, and she just dumped me for this guy named Jeb at the end of our senior year.  He was a total prick, the biggest douche in our school.

And I had really loved Jezebel.

It took me about forty-five minutes to get from East Glynn to Winamac, Indiana.  I had no idea where Jeb lived, but thankfully, his parents were in the same house they were in when I left years ago.  I didn’t know what to do about my wings, hair, or eyes, but it worked to my advantage.  They were so scared of me that they gave me their son’s address.

Flying off in the direction they told me, I prepared two fire balls.  I wasn’t just going to scare Jeb.  I was going to teach him the most important lesson of his life.

As soon as I arrived at his house, I found his bedroom window, and looked in.  The girl in his bed wasn’t Jezebel, so I didn’t feel that bad about breaking his window, throwing the fire balls into his room.  The alarm going off because I broke the window woke them up.  And he got to see the livid look on my face before the flames quickly engulfed him.

Oh yeah.  That felt good, made me feel alive.

But I still felt a little empty because I needed answers.  And only one person could give me them.

That bitch, Sera.

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