Epilogue: Profezia

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© Kelly Faulk 2012

Epilogue:  Profezia

I had absolutely dreaded the day I would take over.  It meant the deaths of my parents, and I didn’t want for them to leave me.  I had Alain, but I didn’t think I was ready to rule a whole race of people.  I found my mother the morning she died, cold in her bed.  The funeral was hard to get through, but Alain helped me through it, kept me steady throughout the ceremony.

And I did fine as a Leader, helping people out with her issues.  Some things were harder to work out, but that’s what Alain was for, to help with my decisions.  Our people loved us.

Then, three years after I had taken over, I found out I was pregnant.  Alain and I didn’t give up sex just because we couldn’t have children, but we didn’t go at it as frequently as we used to.  I was completely shocked when I missed a period.

I really didn’t want to go through depression again, and I wanted to hide it from my husband.  But he of course found out.  His mother had just passed, and I was distracted at her funeral, thinking about the baby I was carrying.  He confronted me about my mood when we got home, and I knew I couldn’t keep a prospective child from him.  He seemed happy that I was pregnant, but I knew he was worried that I’d lose it.

But then my stomach grew with the passing months.  I had no idea what to expect since none of my pregnancies had made it this far.  I relied heavily on the other women of the Court to help me through my pregnancy.

At the end of nine months, Alain and I had a beautiful, healthy girl.  She was of Time, and we settled on naming her Ryna Sebeta, after both of our mothers.

Ryna was a very smart girl, using her power to learn how to do things when she was a couple months old.  And it was a very good thing she was of Time.  She would take over after me, and it was nice to know the throne would remain in the family.

When Ryna was two, I gave birth to her watery sister, Wica Elmiel.  I was a little worried when she came out all blue, but understood after I knew her type.  Both of our little girls were perfect.

Alain and I decided to not have any more children after Wica.  It wouldn’t be fair to Ryna to raise her siblings after we passed.  We were nearing one hundred, and I hated leaving my children when they were so young.

After Ryna turned fourteen, she decided to go through her rebellious phase.  She dated an eighteen year-old boy who was of the Dark.  I didn’t like the thought of them together.  But I knew she’d just see him behind our backs if we told her she couldn’t date him.  Plus how could I criticize her for something that my parents did?  My father was more than twenty years older than my mother.

But then, a few months after she turned sixteen, she told us that she was pregnant.  A Healer was with her when she told us, and I think she had a prophecy because Alain had a heart attack right after she told us about our grandchild, prompting the Healer to take action.  I was upset that she was having a baby this young, but what could I do?

She told us that while Alain and I were out the other day, she had made Wica go study in the Archives while she had Dramie over.  Then today, she had a prophecy about being pregnant with a boy, both I and Alain dying before the baby was born, and Dramie leaving her when she told him about their son.

I wouldn’t get to see my grandson.  Wouldn’t get to help my daughter through motherhood.  She’d have to raise Wica and Ryne—her baby—by herself.

And to make matters worse, Alain’s heart attack returned a month later, taking him from us.  Ryna was extremely upset because she was closest with him.  I didn’t like returning to my bed every night and waking up every morning without him, but I took some comfort in knowing that I’d be with him again in eight months.

I then took what time I had left to try to teach my eldest daughter everything about the Court and how to raise her son.  She grew sad every time she had a lesson, but there was nothing she could do once she made a prophecy.

When she was three months along in her pregnancy, she decided to tell Dramie about Ryne.  I stood close to her door, because I knew that she’d need me after he left.  Sure enough, he was only here for five minutes, not even looking at me as he stormed out.  Ryna was distraught for several days before she decided that she didn’t need Dramie to help raise their son.  I thought it was a shame she had to grow up so soon.

The months just flew by after that.  I tried to spend as much time with my daughters as I could before my grandson was born.

And on February second, Ryna went into labor.  I called the Healer she had contacted, Dr. Hemlar, to come operate on her to take my grandson out.  I was so nervous about what was to happen.  Ryne was about to be brought into this world…and I was about to be taken from it.

As soon as I heard the blonde’s cries, I felt a little lightheaded, the ground rising up to meet me, blackness consuming me as I heard both of my daughters cry out for me….


The next part in the series is Invisible:  Ryne Part One, which will be posted on July third.


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