10. Travaglio

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  © Kelly Faulk 2012

Chapter 10:  Travaglio

I was miserable for the next couple of weeks.  I barely ate, I was sick almost all of the day, I should have just moved into the bathroom; it was certainly big enough.  I was also constantly thinking about Tiliea’s warning, and would have slipped into a deep depression if Uriel wasn’t there for me.  I almost regretted having this baby right now.

To make things worse, Kiefer practically attached himself to my hip.  I was dreading this part of the warning so much.  I felt like I was trapped.  My time with Uriel grew shorter with each passing day.  Since I was getting sick all the time, he was constantly sending Healing orbs into me.  Halrot also tested out her new powers, and helped Heal me, too.

Uriel used his time away from me teaching Halrot how to use her powers.  I wanted to supervise her learning, but Kiefer wanted to walk around the mountains with me now that I wasn't as sick.  Leo would sometimes accompany us, and Halrot would, too, when Uriel went to visit Rose.  I hope that she was getting better.

When I was four months, two months to my opposite, the Healers obtained an ultrasound machine, using some of my inheritance, and had it set up in the living room.  I was closer to four and a half when they finally learned how to use it.  Kiefer was standing on my left, Uriel and Halrot on my right.  Halrot put the cold gel on my slightly bulged stomach while Uriel turned everything on.

The baby was developing its fingers and toes…but no wings.  My heart dropped to my stomach.  Why didn't it have wings?  Both my husband and I looked very concerned.  There was no way that two Rage could have a human baby.  He quickly turned everything off, not saying anything.  What was wrong with our baby?

“What’d you do that for?” Kiefer asked.  He sounded angry.

“There aren’t any wings coming out of its back.  And it’s not possible for a Rage to conceive a human.  I-It’s most likely…d-dead.”

“No heartbeat?” I gasped and felt hot tears well up.

“None that I could see, Sera.”

“Wait, I saw it moving around.  It can’t be dead.  Maybe you just don’t know how to use this stuff right,” my opposite objected.

Uriel glared at him, but let the second comment go.  “We’ll find out soon if it’s dead or alive.”

They basically ignored my tears.  How could it be dead?  I was still suffering from morning sickness, so it couldn’t be…. I was about to get up when I felt it.

“Uriel, you’re wrong.”


“If it’s dead, then how did it kick?”

I knew that he wanted to place his hands on my stomach, but he couldn’t.  All he could do was watch as Kiefer took his place.  This saddened me, but it had to be like this.

Uriel and Halrot cleaned everything up, and I felt sick again.  I tried to run up the stairs as fast as I could, and I could tell that my Healer was hot on my heels.  I barely made it to the bathroom in time.

Halrot and Kiefer didn’t come up, so after I cleaned up, Uriel held me in his arms, and placed a hand on our baby.  It kicked for him.  He weakly smiled as he kissed my forehead.  This is how it should be.

“Why are there no wings, Uriel?” I asked after a few minutes.

“I don’t know, Sera.  I don’t think that anyone would know.  There hasn’t been a Rage born without wings that I know of.  Hopefully they’ll be there the next time we look.  We’ve just got to give it time.”

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