Iwaizumi Hajime | Again and Again

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Iwaizumi picked (Y/N) up by the waist and repositioned her on his back, giving her a piggy back ride.

Her cheeks puffed slightly, earning a soft chuckle from the boy. "You know I can walk on my own..."

"You mean with a sprained ankle and no brace? How about no," Iwaizumi said as he continued to walk.

Prior to spraining her ankle, she and a few friends were playing volleyball in the park. She had performed a successful quick, but when she landed back down from the jump, a sharp pain shot up  her ankle.

"I've dealt with a lot worse than this, Hajime."

"You'll only make it worse if you walk on that ankle," he says, ignoring her last statement.

"Thanks, mom."

"How come everyone thinks I'm their mom..." He wonders aloud. 

She laughs and pat his head.

He feels his cheeks heat up and he looks away to hide the possibly visible redness.


Iwaizumi laid his head on his desk just wanting to be done with all the studies and preparations for college. Of course, he wanted with all his heart to attend the same college as (Y/N) and Oikawa, but he knew he was in for a better future at this school in particular. 

But the thing was, he wasn't ready. He wasn't ready to let go of (Y/N). He knew you and Oikawa got along well and that she'd be fine at the college if Oikawa was there, but that was why he didn't want to let go. He didn't want to let go of her and miss all the days of such a pivotal time in a person's life. He selfishly didn't want to let the two experience those days without him. 

And he didn't want that. After all, he wanted... Well,

He didn't know what he wanted. 

He heard his door open. "Kaasan, I'm studying-" 

"Hi, Hajime!" 

He sits up and turns in his chair to find (Y/N) in all her nighttime pajama glory standing in the doorway of his room. "(Y/N)."

You welcome yourself into his room and flop onto his bed.

"I'm studying you know." He says.

"I'm here to keep you company!" (Y/N) say, sitting up. 

"I don't need-" 

"Obviously, you do."

And he did. Then he realized what he wanted- or more so needed- her.

Again and again, he falls in love with (Y/N).


"Iwa-chan, (Y/N)-chan! I can't believe it! We actually graduated!" Oikawa wrapped his arms around his two best friend's shoulders and grinned, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes.

"You can't believe it because you practically failed all your classes, Trashykawa," Iwaizumi says.

"Iwa-chan, hidoi!"  

(Y/N) laughs at their usual banter. "I'll miss this," She whispers. 

Since Oikawa and Iwaizumi were currently at such a close distance, they heard what she said. 

"Mm," Oikawa agreed solemnly. 

Iwaizumi nodded. 

"Demo, we can always meet up on weekends! We're not that far from each other!" Oikawa said, quick to attempt to lift the atmosphere. "Plus, you have me (Y/N)-chan!" 

Iwaizumi looked away. "Yeah." 

(Y/N) nodded. "That's true!" 


"So Iwa-chan, how was your first week without your ultimate best friend, the great Oikawa?" Oikawa asked, sitting on the other side of the booth, (Y/N) at his side. 

"You wish that I actually missed you, Trashykawa," Iwaizumi says with a click of his tongue. 

(Y/N) laughs, taking a sip of the water she had ordered from the cafe. "Well, he missed you, Hajime," she teased, nudging Oikawa. 

"M-Maa ne," Oikawa said, scratching the back of his head. "But (Y/N)-chan missed you a lot, too!" 

Iwaizumi concealed the fact that he was happy to hear this by raising an eyebrow at you. 

Her cheeks were suddenly a bright red. "W-Well, of course, we'd miss you, Hajime! You're our best friend after all."

Iwaizumi bit the wall of his mouth and nodded. "You'd better have," he mumbled, trying to keep his character. 

Oikawa and (Y/N) shared of their adventures that had occurred during their first week of university. Like how Oikawa had joined the volleyball team and (Y/N) was, again, his team manager.

Iwaizumi's heart tightened in his chest and he wanted to stop them right then and there from talking. He wanted to say that he didn't want to talk about school. He didn't want it to be the center of any conversation between them, but he also couldn't bring anything else up. 

"Tooru, we have practice soon..." (Y/N) reminds. 

"Better get going Kusokawa or else they'll kick you off the team." 

The trio walks out of the cafe and says their goodbyes. 

"We're meeting here again next week, right?" (Y/N) confirms. 

"Same time! Don't forget Iwa-chan!" 

(Y/N) turns to Iwaizumi. "I'll text you, okay?" She hugs Iwaizumi tightly before leaving with Oikawa. 

If those two got together at one point, he'd be happy if they were happy. He tries to convince himself of this, that he'd be happy for them. His mind confirms this, but his heart can't agree. He never thought love would be so bittersweet.

Again and again, he realizes that there are some things in life that he can't have. 



whuuuuuuuuut is this angsty crap that I have written down   ( '  A')v

Iwa-chan deserves a better angsty one-shot I know T  ~ T

I want to write something fluffy so badly but I can't ?? 


I'm so out of touch with writing ... 

UWAHHH THIS SUCKS SO MUCH GOMEN GOMEN GOMENNNNN imma hide in this corner now ...


Guys, I can't even form into words how much that makes me happy. I never imagined that this would become that big. Especially when most of the one-shots are so cringey... 

But thank you so much for all your love and support! I'll be here for you whenever you need me! Love you!!

~kawaiitrashu out.

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