Kageyama Tobio | Hiding Place

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Child! AU

Your pigtails bounced on either side of your head as you stomped your foot. "Kageyama-kun, I told you that the blueberry flavor was mine!"

The slightly taller boy in front of you slowly brought the blueberry popsicle you were referring to out from behind his back after a failed attempt of hiding it from you. "Oh," he said, feigning innocence.

"Kageyama-kun," your little voice commanded, "please hand over the blueberry popsicle."

The noises emitted from other kids and teachers around the park seemed to quiet down around the two five year olds as they bargained with each other.

Kageyama looked you up and down, clad in the mint green uniform with a white collar identical to his. He weighed the possibilities of you hurting him if he refused to give you your way. He figured that since you were a bit shorter than him, he wouldn't take much damage.

So, the young boy shook his head.

Your eyebrows furrowed at the boy's resistance and so you decided to rely on your last resort - a threat.

"W-Well fine!" You stuttered. "I'll tell Daichi-oniisan on you!"

Kageyama's eyes widened at the older boy's name. Daichi was in second grade, which was much older than the two of you were. He also happened to be very protective of you and was known at school for hurting other boys who had treated you unjustly.

"N-No! Don't do that!" Kageyama exclaimed, shoving the already melting popsicle into your hands. "H-Here! Take it!"

He paused, wondering if the popsicle alone was enough to atone for his deeds. He leaned in close to your ear and put a hand over his mouth so that other kids wouldn't be able to hear his next words: "I'll even show you a secret!"

You were not expecting him to give you more than the popsicle, but nodded your head in amusement.

Nervously, he took your small hand in his own and lead you to a green hedge that marked the end of the park. He looked around to see if anyone was looking. To his relief, no one was and he pulled you through the green bush.

Kageyama took most of the damage from the small branches since he went first, as it was evident by the little scratches he had obtained once the two of you were on the other side.

Now that you were through the bush, you looked around into the clearing that Kageyama had taken you to. "Whoa!"

Kageyama let go of your hand, walking over to a red cooler that lie under the tree that the clearing the two of you now occupied. He opened it, revealing blueberry juice boxes and many other blueberry-flavored snacks. "Y-You can have some any time you'd like!"

Your eyes widened at the sight before you, as if you were looking at a chest full of treasures. Which, at the time, you basically were.

"Just please don't tell Daichi-oniisan on me!" Kageyama pleaded.

A grin made its way onto your face. "Do you promise to let me have some," you motioned to the cooler, "and your blueberry popsicles at school?"

He nodded hastily. "Yeah, but you can't tell anyone about this place!"

"Not even Hinata-kun?"

"Especially not Hinata."

You liked the idea of having a secret hideaway with him, so you nodded in agreement. "It'll be our secret," you exclaimed, holding out a pinky for a promise.

His heart raced as he linked his little finger with yours, grinning. "Yeah!"

In the heat of the moment containing giggles from the two of you, you wrapped your small arms around the boy. "Thank you, Kageyama-kun!"

With that, you were off, skipping your way to the "entrance" you two had come through and back to the school park, leaving the tree, the red cooler, and a blushing Kageyama behind.

~kawaiitrashu out.

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