requests → open

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Hello! Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy these one-shots that I have made!

To request, there are some rules (sorry).

1) Please comment whichever character you'd like to read an imagine of. (ex.: oikawa x reader)

2) In addition to the above, please include a scenario with a genre. It is okay if you do not include a scenario, HOWEVER, those who include a scenario will receive their imagine quicker than those who did not - regardless of when they requested.

3) **OPTIONAL** You can also reply to a comment WITH a scenario that you like, letting me know that you'd like to read an imagine surrounding the previously requested scenario. This lets me know what you, as readers, would all like to read.

Thank you for following my request rules! I understand that it may seem unfair that I do not apply first come first serve, but this makes it easier to produce works that you guys want. I apologize for any inconvenience!

Happy reading!

《 I do not write smut.》

~kawaiitrashu out.

haikyuu!! x reader ≫ one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now