Oikawa Tooru | Birthday Present

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Ever since he was little, Oikawa has always loved his birthdays. He always enjoyed having relatives and friends in one place just for him. Of course, like every kid, he also enjoyed the presents. His parents never failed to get him that one thing that was at the top of his wishlist. However, his parents can't get him the one and only thing that he wants this year - time with a specific person.

She came to Aoba Jousai as a transfer student towards the end of his second year. Of course, she was the talk of the school. At the end of the year, students lose things to talk about. So naturally, when she came towards the end of the school year, everyone was coming up with reasons as to why she came at such a weird time. What caught his attention is how she just smiled despite the whispers that would float around her. If it were him, he'd have been a bit discouraged - which was an understatement. He admired her for smiling every day when she walked into class.

He soon learned that she was a pretty good actor. One evening after club activities ended for the day, he found her behind the school sitting against the wall.

"(L/N)-san!" He called with a smile.

However, he wasn't greeted with one.

Turns out, she was like him in many ways, just a bit better at hiding her feelings. She looked up at him as if she were on the verge of tears.

He stayed with her that day until she decided she was ready to go home. At first, they just sat next to each other, arms barely touching. She bit her lip nervously, running her hand through her hair sometimes. She'd give shaky breaths that ended with choked sobs and hitting her fist against her heart to stop the hurting there that was an illusion of her mind.

But then, something came over him and he spilled his guts to her. The past, his insecurities, everything. Maybe it was the fact that she was a stranger who didn't have anyone to tell. Maybe it was his way of telling her she wasn't alone.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like this," she muttered, fists clenched tightly. She stood, signaling she had gotten everything out.

He only shook his head, "It's okay."

"Thank you."

The days after, she still pulled a smile. After that day, he expected them to be friends but she never talked to him again. So he didn't either.

He did, however, observe her from afar. In the mornings when she greeted their classmates, in the hallways when she was talking with some friends, in class when she was taking notes.

Over the summer, he didn't get to see her much. However, he was sure Iwaizumi's new part-time job at a cafe was a godsend. After visiting him the first day of summer break, he was pleasured to find that (Y/N) was also working at the cafe. He visited everyday after learning she was there. He didn't talk to her out of respect of the distance she made between them. He honestly just liked seeing her.

But today, his birthday, he was going to get the one present he's wanted since last year - quality time with (Y/N). No matter what happened today, she was going to go on a date with him.

He made sure to dress up nicely today despite it being so hot outside. His mom complimented him, immediately teasing him because since he was dressed so nice, surely her beloved son would be meeting a girl! She wished him a happy birthday with a kiss on the cheek and a birthday breakfast and saw him off by shouting, "Bring her home for dinner tomorrow night!"

Well... things don't always go as planned.

First were his neighbor's automatic sprinklers that chose to go off right as he was passing by, wetting his hair and clothes. He was slightly irked by that, but didn't let it bother him all that much.

Second was the group of moms out for their daily "jog." Was it a jog or a contest to see who could walk the slowest? Oikawa couldn't tell.

Finally, Oikawa arrived at the cafe was relieved when he saw that (Y/N) was working the cash register today. Despite being slightly wet and a bit in a bad mood, he grinned and stuffed his hands in his pockets, walking up to the counter. "Hello~!"

The (h/c) hair colored girl looked up, eyes widening a bit upon sight of Oikawa Tooru. "H-Hello. How can I help you?"

At the sound of her voice, he felt like all that had happened earlier melted away.

He frowned a bit when he saw her so uncomfortable, but he decided to not let it affect him. "Hi! I was wondering if I could get an order of you tonight for a date?"

She blinked.

He grew more nervous with each second that passed by. Maybe he shouldn't have used a cheesy pickup line...

She blinked again.

He gulped.

"Sure, but I have to warn you that it'll be a tad bit salty."

It was his turn to be taken aback. Did she just play along with him...?

Then, she laughed. Loudly. "O-Oikawa-san was that your attempt of asking me on a date?"

He slowly nodded, his spirit leaving him at the word 'attempt.' "It's my birthday so I was thinking as a gift you could... gooutonadatewithme?"

Knowing full well what he said and just wanting to tease him further, she cupped her hand over her ear. "What? Say that again, please?"

He felt like he was about to explode of embarrassment. With a gulp he enunciated his words; "Go out on a date with me for my birthday?"

Taken aback by him being so clear, she blinked.

'She's really got to work on answering quickly,' he cried to himself, the seconds that went by killing him slowly.

"It's your birthday and... You want to spend the day with me?"

He nods.

After learning this, she felt slightly touched and felt obligated to go. "My shift ends at 12:00 p.m. Better be a good date."

He nodded excitedly, clapping his hands like a seal. "I promise! You won't regret it, (L/N)-san!"

She nodded passively, "Are you going to order anything?"


At 11:50 a.m. he was already waiting for her at the cafe, sunflowers in hand. She noticed him take a seat at a table in the front of the cafe and sighed to herself. All these days of thinking that he thought she was weak for crying like that and there he was waiting for her to go on a date with him. How stupid could she be sometimes?

At 12:00 p.m. sharp, she got into her regular clothes and walked to Oikawa. He grinned, happy to be seeing her in clothes that were not a type of uniform.

"Sorry that I didn't get you anything for your birthday..."

He stood. "No, no! This date is the best present, believe me."

She furrowed her eyebrows, not believing him.

"You can kiss me if you really want to give me a gift," he added daringly.

She huffed, "Yeah, yeah. Let's just go."

He hooked his arm with hers - something she should've been uncomfortable with, but found it strangely comforting.

"What a great birthday," he sighed to himself as he began leading her to where they were to begin their date.


~kawaiitrashu out.

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