Kuroko x reader

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"(Name)-chan, please wake up," a monotone voice said as you felt soft shaking. You groaned as you sat up, rubbing your eyes and yawning. You looked to the side and saw Kuroko.

"Oh, good morning, Tetsu-kun," you said with a smile.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, mama," a childlike voice said greeted you. Your eyes glanced at Kuroko's legs, finding a young girl that looked like just like Kuroko.

"Did you brush your teeth yet, Setsuna?" you asked as you reached out to pat her head. Setsuna nodded.

"(Name)-chan, we're hungry," Kuroko stated as Setsuna nodded as well. You smiled.

"Alright, I'll get to making breakfast."


You hummed a soft tune as you stirred the soup. You didn't notice the two blunettes by your side until you felt tugging.

"(Name)-chan, please pay attention to me," Kuroko said as he tugged gently at your shirt. You also felt Setsuna tugging the other side of your shirt.

"Mama, me too." You only smiled.

"I'll pay attention to the two of you once I finish making breakfast," you stated as you resumed cooking. The father and daughter looked at each other blankly before they returned their gaze on you.

"(Name)-chan, you're making us feel lonely," Kuroko mumbled as he slowly snaked his arms around your waist. Setsuna did the same with your leg.

"Mama, play with Setsuna," you heard your daughter say. You sighed as you continued cooking, trying to ignore the two as they tried to get your attention.


"Setsuna, what are you doing?" you asked as you watched her draw. Your eyes examined the drawing. It seemed to be a blue haired boy. "Um, is this Papa?"

"Yeah," Setsuna answered as she continued drawing.

"Why are you drawing him?" you asked curiously as you watched her draw lines, seeming to form into another person.

"Papa says if I draw the people close to me, then they won't ever leave me," Setsuna answered, putting on the same face Kuroko was always wearing. Your eyes trailed to the side to meet Kuroko as he drank a vanilla shake on the couch.



"How do you come up with these things?" you asked. He blinked once. Twice.

"It worked when I did it."


"It works," he repeated, staring you dead in the eye.



"Setsuna." The young girl looked up at her father. "What would you like to do?"

"...I want to sit in mama's lap," she answered after pondering.

"Papa also wants to sit in mama's lap..."

"Tetsu-kun, you're a bit too big for that..." you said on the sideline of the conversation.

"Then papa wants mama to sit in his lap," Kuroko stated as he stared down at his daughter.

"That's a bit too forward..."

"But mama is fine with it, right?" Setsuna asked as she looked up into your eyes.

"...Yeah, I suppose so," you said after a while, clearly hesitating.

"Then, (Name)-chan, sit on my lap," Kuroko said as he held his arms out for you to crawl into. You were clearly hesitating as you stared at him and he stared back, easily getting you to give into his whims. You crawled onto his slowly and made your comfortable as Setsuna crawled in as well.

"Um, Tetsu-kun?"


"Why are we doing this again?"

"Because we're making Setsuna's wishes come true," he answered. You sighed. Taking care of the two could be so tiring sometimes.


"(Name)-chan, I want to cuddle," Kuroko stated as he sat on the couch. You glanced at him from the kitchen.

"Tetsu-kun, I need to start making dinner," you informed as you resumed cooking.

"(Name)-chan, I want to cuddle," you heard him say again. Your eyes slowly glanced into his before darting back to the food.

"(Name)-chan," he called out again. You sighed as you over to him, sitting on his lap.

"Only for a little bit," you mumbled as you leaned onto his chest. After a bit of silence, Setsuna walked by, stopping when she saw the two of you.



"Papa, that's not fair. Papa owes me a vanilla shake," Setsuna decided as she stared at her father with the same blank look he had.

"Alright, I need to make dinner."


"...and they lived happily ever after," you read, concluding the story. When you looked up from the book, you noticed Setsuna didn't look the slightest bit sleepy.

"Mama, I want to hear something new," Setsuna requested.

"Eh? Um..." You felt a hand on your shoulder, causing you to turn your head and saw the blunette.

"(Name)-chan, I can take care of the rest," Kuroko said as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Is there anything in particular that you want to hear?" Setsuna shook her head.

"Alright then. Once upon a time, there was a boy had a lack of presence-"

"Papa, is this about the time you met mama?"

"Yes," he answered.

"Was mama pretty?"


"Was she in any clubs?"

"The library committee."

"What's with this interrogation scene?!"


As you lay in bed, you stared at the ceiling. The clock ticked in a steady pace as the rain made soft pitter patter sounds. A few seconds later, a thunderous sound echoed throughout the house. Your head jerked to the bedroom door as soon as you heard soft footsteps making their way closer. The door creaked open, revealing Setsuna as she dragged a pillow behind her.

"Setsuna wants to sleep with mama and papa," she said as she walked over to the side of the bed, closing the door behind her.

"Setsuna, you aren't afraid of thunder though," you stated as you helped her up onto the bed. She slowly crawled in between you and Kuroko.

"Setsuna is now because Setsuna wants to sleep with mama," she said calmly as she pulled the blanket over herself. You felt arms pull you down and hold you close and as tightly as possible without crushing Setsuna.

"(Name)-chan, I'm also afraid of thunder."

"Tetsu-kun, you aren't afraid of thunder," you said.

"...I am now." You sighed, but you couldn't help but let out a soft giggle. No matter what you they did, you would almost always secretly think the two were alike in so many ways.

If asked what you liked best about your daughter, you would say that she was like her father.

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