Kise x reader

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"(Name)cchi~!" an annoyingly loud voice sang. You groaned and forced your eyes open, finding a familiar blonde on top of you.

"...Argh!" you screamed and kicked the man off you and onto the floor.

"Ow! (Name)cchi, that hurt!" he whined as he rubbed his behind.

"...Huh? Ryouta?" You blinked as soon as you registered that you kicked your husband.

"(Name)cchi's mean!" Kise pouted as he got up and dusted himself off a bit.

"B-But you were the one that were on top of me," you countered as you swung your legs to the side of the bed and slipped into your home slippers.

"I couldn't help it... (Name)cchi looked so cute!" he shot back as he hugged you, his cheerful demeanor returning. He pecked your cheek before giving you a longer morning kiss on your lips.

"Ew! Mommy and daddy are doing dirty things~!" a high-pitched child sang from the door.

"Alright, that's enough, Ryouta," you said as lightly kicked him away to make way for yourself to go and greet the child. You bent down and patted the young female blonde on her head. "Good morning, Rika."

"Good morning, mommy~!" she sang as she wrapped her arms around you, giving you a hug and then a quick kiss on your cheek. You smiled and kissed her cheek as well.

"That's not fair! Daddy wants a morning kiss as well~!" Kise said as he held his arms out for his daughter to run into. Rika stuck her tongue out at him.

"Daddy already got his morning kiss," she stated before running into the living room, her blonde her that was in a ponytail swishing behind her.

"Eh?! Why?!" Kise asked as he ran after her. "You're making daddy feel lonely!" You sighed. It was going to be another loud morning.


"Daddy, bend down a bit," Rika requested as she held a brush and paint panel. Curiously, Kise lowered himself until he was on eye level with her, blinking as he waited for her to do what she wanted.

"What is it, Rikacchi?" Kise asked, curiosity clear in his golden eyes.

"..." Rika said nothing as she dipped the tip of the brush and moved it close to his face. "Close your eyes or else it won't work." Kise did as told and tried to keep himself from opening his eyes when he felt something thick and wet being brushed onto his model skin. "Done." Kise opened his eyes and found Rika holding up a mirror for him to look into.


"Daddy looks like a model now~!" Rika sang happily.

"(Name)cchi, you were recording that?!" Kise exclaimed when he noticed you hiding behind the kitchen counter and holding your phone up. When you heard him, you quickly closed your phone and hid it behind your back. "(Name)cchi, delete it!"

"No, I don't want to!" you refused as you ran away. "Rika, protect your mommy!" you blurted out as you went to hide behind the young blonde.

"(Name)cchi, what are you planning to do with that footage?! You have to delete it!" You paused to think. You cocked your head to the side.


"(Name)cchi, delete it!" Kise yelled out as he resumed chasing you. You immediately began running again.

"I can't delete it! Rika asked me to record it!" you said as you found something else to hide behind.


"Rika, tell your daddy that you wanted to make a makeup tutorial!" you said as you kept a good distance between Kise and yourself.

"Daddy, you can't delete it!" Rika said with as she puffed out her cheeks.

"Rikacchi...!" he cried.

"Mommy, Daddy's crying!"

"Ryouta, don't cry!"


You hummed a soft melody as you hung up the laundry, letting the gentle breeze dry them.

"Ouch!" you heard a rather feminine, male voice shout. You quickly turned your head and found your husband holding onto his foot as he cringed on the floor.

"Ryouta, are you okay?" you asked worriedly as you rushed inside and examined his foot.

"It hurts..." he whined. You sighed as you looked around the area.

"Ryouta, did you leave toys out again?" you asked with a deadpan look as you stared at your husband.

"Eh?! It wasn't me!"

"It can't be Rika since she's outside playing with the dog," you argued as you got up and dusted off your clothes.

"(Name)cchi's a meanie!" he whined. "I won't forgive (Name)cchi this time unless you give me a kiss and a hug," he stated as he held his arms out, prompting the hug.

"Get cleaning," you said as you ignored him and went outside to resume hanging up the laundry.


"Only for you," he heard you say.


"Mommy, give Rika a hug," Rika requested cutely as she clung onto your leg. You smiled and picked her up, giving her a kiss on the cheek and carried her to her room.

"You got your hug, so it's time to sleep," you said with a gentle smile as you neared her room.

"Will mommy sleep with me?" she asked.

"Then do you want to sleep with mommy and daddy today?" you asked as she nodded enthusiastically. "Alright, you'll sleep with us today then," you said as you began walking to your bedroom where Kise was waiting for you. You gently push open the door using your leg and walked in.

"Eh? Rikacchi's going to sleep with us?" Kise asked and you nodded.

"That's why daddy can't hog mommy tonight," Rika stated as she held two fistfuls of your shirt.

"You heard the little girl," you said as you carefully placed Rika onto the bed before crawling onto the bed yourself.

"Rikacchi's mean..." Kise whined when he saw Rika climb in between you and him. Rika stuck her tongue out at him.

"Daddy's had a lot of time with mommy during high school years so Rika can get mommy from now on," she decided as she wrapped her arms around your own.

"Eh~? That's not fair!"

"If daddy gives Rika a kiss, then you can hug mommy," Rika offered.

"Ryouta, didn't you say something like that earlier?"

"Yeah. Daddy will give Rikacchi a kiss," Kise said as he pecked his daughter's forehead.

"Daddy can now hug mommy!" Rika declared.

"Yay~!" Kise sang as he reached over to give you a hug as well, burying his nose in the crook of your neck. You sighed, but you didn't mind at all.

If asked what you liked best about your daughter, you would say that she was like her father.

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