Takao x Reader

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Name)-chan~! (Name)-chan~!" an annoyingly loud voice sang. You swatted in the direction of the voice, just wanting to sleep. After a while, you placed your arm back under the covers, returning to your dreams. However, a certain person didn't like that.

Poke. Poke.

Your finger twitched slightly.



"Momma~!" You growled softly as you turned onto your other side. You readjusted your head on the pillow, hoping to finally get back to sleep.


"Oi, shut up, Bakao!" you shouted loudly as you grabbed a nearby pillow and threw it at your husband.

"Ah! Momma's getting violent~!" your daughter sang as your son began to laugh aloud. You threw a glare their way, annoyed with their playful behavior so early in the morning.

"You too, Takai, Chia!"

"Yes, ma'am~!" they chorused, giggling as they quickly made their way out of the room.

"You look cute today, (Name)," Takao complimented, a smile on his face as you glared at him.

"Shut up, Takao. All this annoying noise in the morning is all because of you," you complained as you placed a pillow on his face and pushed on it, successfully silencing him for a few seconds. Takao quickly removed the pillow from his face, a smile still gracing his face.

"But you still love me. Right, (Name)?"

"No, I freaking hate you and your guts," you said as you felt arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into the basketball player's chest.

"Aw, come on. Don't be like that, (Name). Just admit it; you love me a lot!"

"Ew~! It's PDA!" Takai shouted as he poked his head out into the doorway.

"Takai, do you even know what that means?" Chia asked.

"Private display of affection?"

"No, you idiot!" You growled as the two began arguing. You turned your head a bit to face up at your Takao, glaring at him.

"This is all your fault, Takao!"


"Here you go," you said as you placed a bowl of Kimchi in front of Chia.

"Momma loves me more than you, Takai!"

"That's not fair! Mom loves me more, right?" Takai said hopefully as he glanced at you with big, teary eyes.

"Just eat," you said as you placed a bowl of Kimchi in front of Takai and Takao. You also placed down a bowl for yourself, taking a seat as well.

"But mom! Tell sis that you love me more! I'm cuter and, and smarter and-"

"Takai, Momma loves me more, so don't try anything funny!"

"Hey, hey now, you two. Your mom loves me more than anyone else since I'm the one she married, so-"

"Aw, don't be like that. Your mom loves everyone equally, so there's no reason to fight over me," you said as you got up and stood between your two children, bending down to give both of them a hug. You glanced up at your husband. "Except you, Takao. I freaking hate you."

"(Name)~!" he whined.

"You're the cause of all my suffering, so suffer yourself. If it wasn't for you, I'd still be enjoying my week," you stated as you returned to your seat, hoping to resume your breakfast.

"Aw, come on, (Name)!"

"Shut up or I'll be taking your breakfast and you can eat dog food," you threatened as you began to eat. Your eyes narrowed at the smile that was forming on his face.

"Aw, (Name), you're getting fat~!"

"That's it! No breakfast for you!" you snapped as you took the bowl from him.

"Ah, no! My Kimchi!"


You sat on the couch, sighing as you tried to concentrate on reading your book. However, that was going to be hard since your two kids were trying to poke at your stomach.

"What in the world are you two trying to do?" you demanded as you swatted their hands away.

"Mom, you're starting to get fat," Takai commented as he tried to reach for your stomach again.

"Takai, it's not nice calling your own mom fat. Have some respect," you said as you blocked him from reaching your stomach.

"But Mom!"

"You are the cause of one of the times I seemed fat, so don't you dare think that you can laugh at my fatness," you said as you got up, tired of the two kids bothering you.

"Takai's right. You're getting fat," your older kid, Chia stated as she picked up the remote on the table in front of the TV.

"Thanks for your compliments, Chia," you sarcastically said to her as you headed for your bedroom, hoping to finally get some peace and quiet. You sighed as you crawled onto the bed, massaging the bridge of your nose in hopes of easing your headache.

Seriously, your kids were such a pain...


"Alright, kids, it's bedtime, so let's hurry and get to sleep before I decide to whack you all there," you said as you led them to their bedroom.

"Momma, can't we sleep with you?" Chia asked in a tone similar to that of a begging one.

"Yeah, can we? Dad told us a scary story earlier today about a monster and how it eat kids at night," Takai added, hoping that it could convince you to let the two of them sleep together with you.

"Alright, just for tonight, but don't you two dare touch your mom's stomach again. Your dad's more than enough trouble," you agreed as you changed your destination and headed to your bedroom where Takao was waiting for you. You sighed as you opened the bedroom door, watching as the two children ran in and onto the bed.

"We're sleeping with these two tonight?" Takao asked curiously as Chia crawled into his arms.

"Yea, so deal with it for tonight, sweetheart," you said as you closed the bedroom door and quickly crawled into the bed.

"(Name), you're getting a bit fatter each day. Have you been eating more than you're supposed to?" Takao asked curiously as he reached over to place a hand on your stomach. "Or is it..." Your eyes widened in realization when he trailed off on his sentence.

"Damnit, this is all your fault Takao! Now I have to get a pregnancy test!" You quickly reached onto the nightstand for your phone, quickly dialing a number. "Ah, Shin-chan? Are you still at your office? Good, wait there. I'm coming!"

"(Name), you actually don't think you-"

"Shut up, Bakao! This is all your fault!"

If asked what you liked best about your children, you would say that they were like their father... except you wished you didn't have any in the first place.

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