Murasakibara x Reader

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"(Name)-chin~!" You groaned when you heard that voice calling out your name. "(Name)-chin~!" the voice called out again. You turned and pulled the blanket over your head. "...(Name)-chin!"

"Ah!" you yelped as you somehow fell off the side of the bed. Luckily, you fell into two strong arms. You opened one eye to see if you were okay and when you saw a familiar purple haired male, you opened the other eye. "...Atsushi?"

"Good morning, (Name)-chin~," he greeted you with a smile..

"Oh, um, good morning," you said back hesitantly.

"Breakfast's ready~," he stated as he slowly set you back onto the floor. It took a second to regain your balance before thanking him.


"(Name)-chin, I want a morning kiss~!" You smiled and as he leaned down for you to peck his lips before heading to the kitchen.


"Mama~!" one of the kids sang when they saw you walk into the kitchen with Murasakibara. You smiled when you saw the two; an older boy and a younger sister with almost the same traits as your husband.

"Good morning, Hatsu," you greeted the boy. "Good morning, Tsuko," you said to the girl.

"Good morning~!" they chorused as they got off their chair and went to hug you. You bent over and gave the both of them a hug.

"Atsushi, what's for breakfast?" you asked as you turned your head to look up at the ridiculously tall husband behind you.

"Some cake," he answered.

"Is that all?" He nodded as your lips curled down, forming a frown.

"Atsushi, that's not healthy," you complained as you got back up, dusting yourself as the two children went back to the dining table.

"But it's yummy..."

"Atsushi!" You watched as he began to pout, refusing to budge. "Atsushi." He shook his head. You stared at him and then looked to your children.

"Mama, can we have some cake?" Hatsu asked, his eyes almost pleading. Tsuko did the same.

"...No," you said after a while. For a moment there, you were about to give in.

"Mama~!" they whined.

"Fine, but only a little bit after breakfast!" you gave in.


"(Name)-chin~," he chorused as he watched you wash the dishes. You sighed and turned to look at him.

"What is it, Atsushi?" you asked.

"I want a morning kiss," he said after a while. You raised an eyebrow.

"Didn't you already get one?"

"..." He stared blankly at you for a few seconds.


"...No," he said after a while.

"Atsushi, don't lie!" you objected as you returned to scrubbing the food stains on the dishes.

"(Name)-chin~!" he sang as he held his arms out. You tried hard not to look at him, tempted to run into his arms like your high school days. "(Name)-chin~!"

"No, I won't do it!"

"..." You immediately felt bad when you saw the dejected look.

"Fine..." you sighed as you went over to him and pecked his cheek quickly before returning to the dishes.

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