Kagami x Reader

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"Mom! Mom!" You groaned as you felt the spot next to you on the bed creak loudly as your son, unfortunately, bounced up and down. "Mom! I'm hungry! I want hamburgers!"

"Not now, Taiki. I'm trying to sleep," you said as you placed a nearby pillow over your head in hopes of blocking out the sounds. "Get to bed."

"Mom, I want to eat hamburgers!" he whined.

"Hamburgers for breakfast is not good, so don't even try," you argued as you shooed him away.


"Taiki, where's your dad?" you asked as you cracked one eye open to look at your son. He cocked his head to the side.

"Dad said that he was going somewhere with someone. Uncle Aomine and Uncle Kuroko were also there," Taiki replied. You frowned and stared at the redhead.

"Seriously, your idiot dad is never home when I need him most..."


Kagami quietly cracked open the front door and tiptoed in, trying his best not to make a sound. He closed the door as quietly as he could and took off his shoes. Kagami then quickly made his way back to the bedroom where you were supposed to be sleeping in.

"Welcome home, Bakagami," you greeted him as he walked by the kitchen. He clicked his tongue. "I'm sure you had fun playing basketball with Kuroko and the others. Let's not forget that this is at three in the morning as well."

"Damn it."

"You won't be getting punishment this time, but please feel free to come and have breakfast. Your share is over there," you said as you pointed to the dog bowl full of kibble.

"That's dog food!" the redhead exclaimed.

"No, that's your breakfast. Either eat it or starve. Taiki and I will be finishing our breakfast soon," you said as you motioned to your son.

"Oi, how come that kid gets to have burgers?!"

"That 'kid' is your son. Obviously, he gets better treatment," you countered as you glared at your husband. "Bakagami, finish breakfast quickly."

"Yeah!" Taiki added happily as he munched on the burger.

"I refuse. I'm making my own breakfast," he grumbled as he found his apron and put it on. You and Taiki watched amusingly as he made his way to the fridge.

"You know, I can just make breakfast for you," you said as you went to the stove and turned it on.


"What?" you questioned curiously as you turned to face him.

"(Name), turn that thing off! Turn it off!" You raised an eyebrow at his orders.

"What are you- Oh my gosh! Taiga, the house is burning down!" you exclaimed as you panicked, waving your hands around animatedly.

"Ah! The house is gonna burn!" Taiki yelled as he went to hide behind you.

"Taiki, it's going to be okay. Your dad will- Taiga, we're gonna die if you don't hurry up! The fire almost got me!"

"Damnit! Where's the fire extinguisher when you need it?!"


"Woman, I don't want your love if this keeps happening," Kagami stated as he watched you walk out of the bathroom, a towel in his hand.

"Taiga..." you murmured apologetically.

"You're the whole reason I became a firefighter after all," he continued as he motioned for you to come over to him. He placed the towel on your head and began to dry your hair.

"Sorry, Taiga, but I just wanted to help..." Kagami sighed.

"I don't need you to help. Unlike Aida, you can't learn to cook," he stated as he continued to dry your hair.

"Dad, I'm done!" Taiki declared as he walked out of the bathroom as well. "Let's go play basketball!"

"No," you said. "You're not playing it. I may be a bad cook, but I'm still your mom and I say you are not playing basketball. You're too small for that and you'll get hurt."

"Mom, nothing's going to happen! Dad knows how to play with me and he'll keep me safe," Taiki tried arguing back.

"Taiki, you're too reckless and your dad's no better. Taiga, say no," you ordered as you looked your husband dead in the eye.


"Your dad says no and that's final," you said.

"That's not fair!" Taiki whined.


"Alright, son, be as quiet as possible," Kagami whispered to his son as he opened the door quietly. Taiki nodded enthusiastically as he followed his dad through the front door quietly. Kagami paused as he faced something just past the door.


"Argh!" Kagami yelped out as he stumbled back, Taiki moving away just in time.

"Ah! It's a dog!" Taiki shouted as he went to hide behind his dad or at least tried to. You let out a sigh as you lowered the stuffed animal.

"This is amusing and all, but you guys really need to learn. You're not going to play basketball, especially not on my watch," you said as you walked in and closed the door, locking it.

"(Name), was that really necessary?!" Kagami asked as he still scooted away from you. Taiki did the same.

"Grow up, Taiga. It's a stuffed animal," you said as you tossed it onto him.

"Oi! Get it away! Get it away!"

"Don't give it to me, Dad!"


"Taiga, Taiki, should I even ask why the two of you are clinging to me?" you asked as you tried to move your arms.

"Just stay with us and sleep. Th-There shouldn't be a problem," Kagami said, stuttering once.

"I can't sleep like this!"

"Mom, something moved!" Taiki cried out, tightening his hold on your arm.

"That's a tree branch."

"(Name), there was a weird sound!" the older redhead said, nearly pouncing on you.

"There's not ghost in my house, Kagami Taiga!" you said loudly as you pried the two off your arm. "Get to sleep before you see something worse than a ghost!"

"Yes, ma'am!" they chorused as they tucked themselves on either side of you, somehow finding their way to cling onto you once more. You sighed, but nonetheless, smiled.

If asked what you liked best about your son, you would say that he was like his father... but you hoped they could be less annoying.

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