The swing

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Molly's P.o.v
I ran from my Boyfri-ex's house. I couldn't stand him anymore. Tears falling freely down my cheeks. Arguing with me about stupid things. I can't keep this up anymore.

I ran to the only person I trust this moment. Chandler. My best friend since I first saw him at the park 8 years ago.


I was six years old. I sat on the blue swing, trying to move it. Turning my head to the right, I saw him. He gave me a smile as he got off his swing.

"Hi, my name is Chandler" He said. His crystal blue eyes twinkle every step he takes closer to me.

"You need any help?" He asked. I nodded shyly, not knowing what to say.

He went behind me and started pushing me high. I laughed as the wind hit my face. I heard him giggle behind me.

"Molly"  I said.

(End of flashback)

I knocked at his door. As soon as he saw me he pulled me in for a hug. He gives the best hugs. Always making me feel comfortable.

"Oh Molly get in" He held my hands and we sat on a couch.

"I can't take it anymore, he's just so stubborn" I cried into his chest as he held onto me tightly.

I cried all day telling him everything. He listened.

"I love you Molly" I smiled.

"I love you too Carl poppa" I laughed.



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