Come Again Please

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Connie's P.o.v
It's my best friend's birthday. I already planned a huge box with a lot of presents in it but I'm missing one more thing, she's a gamer so I'm going to buy her a new game.

Walking to the game store, I looked at all of the games. There is Xbox, PlayStation and everything. She always wanted the newest version of 'Call Of Duty'.

I went to the PlayStation section and took the game and put it at the counter to pay for it.
"Cash or ca- woah" The cashier said. I looked up at his eyes, as blue as the ocean, as bright as the sky. We stayed there for a moment.He was so damn cute. I blushed like a clown's nose and looked down.

We giggled and he took the game to scan it. I secretly read the name tag 'Chandler'.

"Here you go" He gave me the plastic bag without taking his eyes of me. "Come again please".

I sure will

I sure will

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