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Thank you so much @young_love_forever for requesting I hope you enjoy this guys ;)
And last thing thank you for 6k!! It's so amazing I feel shsjsudhdhsjk right now XD
Now let's get back to the story :)

Faith's P.o.v
I ran into the nearest coffee shop which turned up to be Starbucks in complete fear. The reason behind my shaking body is that my boyfriend abuses me. His name is josh. He cuts me and tortures me in different ways!

You are probably wondering why I haven't broken up with him. Well... Last time I ended up with a fractured nose. He told me if I told anyone the truth I would get punished. And I have had enough.

Today he was trying to do unpleasant things with me but I didn't agree with him. I ran off after I smashing his head with a lamp. Once he finds me he will surely kill me.

I fixed my jeans and shirt as I sat on one of the couches and started sobbing again. Why won't he treat me right?

"Faith, get up" Once I heard his voice, my heart skipped a beat. "Please" I pleaded.

"I said get up" He said though clenched teeth trying to hold in his anger that he will release on me anytime soon.

I slowly shook my head as a tear escaped my big eyes.

He grabbed my scarred wrist (thanks to him) tightly and dragged me off the couch. I struggled which was a bad idea. I earned a punch right at my nose. I held my nose as I saw the red liquid.

I don't know what happened next. A boy about my age attacked josh. "No man ever hits a girl!" He yelled as he threw punches at Josh's face.

"Please stop" I held my hands on my face. "Please" I repeated.

The boy looked at me which gave josh a chance to escape. He ran out like a coward.

My knees fell to the floor as I cried. The boy immediately wrapped his arms around me. "He will always come back" I sobbed. "Not when I am around. I'll teach him a lesson" He place a tissue on my nose to stop the bleeding.

Something about him made me feel safe. "I'm Chandler" He said as we locked eyes. "Faith" I said quietly.

"I'll protect you from him" He said as he noticed the scars. "Nothing like this will ever happen to you again" He pointed at my wrists. "Okay?" He asked.

"Okay" I smiled in a long time.

"Okay" I smiled in a long time

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