High school

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*Picture is Emily*

Emily's P.o.v

Today is the first day back at school. I don't know how to describe what I'm feeling. Happy, nervous and scared at the same time?

Oh well, at least I start off with my favourite subjects: Art, English and Music.

I entered art class to be greeted by miss Isabella. My art teacher for 2 years. "Emily go take a seat next to Chandler"

Who is Chandler? Confused, I scanned the class until a boy raised his hand. I didn't pay much attention to him and went to my seat.

I grabbed a sketch book from my bag and started listing ideas for my art theme (in IGCSE we choose themes for art).

"Hey." Said chandler. His voice was very calm yet mysterious.

I glanced at the boy next to me. He was absolutely gorgeous. His hair was a soft brown, like the bark of an oak tree, but not too dark. He has light pink lips. The top lip was thinner but not too thin and it had a natural Cupid's bow.

What caught my attention were his eyes. To say that his eyes were blue was like saying that the sun was yellow. Sufficient but not accurate to capture the burning.

I coughed when after realizing that I was staring. He chuckled. "I'm chandler." He said.

"I'm Emily." He smiled cutely.

The teacher then handed us a paper that helped us with choosing our theme.

"Can you pass me a pen?" He whispered and I nodded. Our hands brushed against each other with made my heart flutter. His cheeks slightly turned red, I hope my cheeks aren't red.

After the lesson ended I was on my way outside the class. "Hey Emily wait!" The way he says my name makes my stomach feels weird.

He reached me. "Are you with me in English?" "I'm in first set". I smiled.

"No way me too! Let's go together then." "Alright".

"EMILY!" My best friend Elizabeth yelled as I entered English class. "So who is this?" She smirked at me. I gave her the 'don't say anything stupid look'

"This is Chandler, he is new." "Hi there". He smiled. "And Chandler this is Elizabeth". "Yoohoo." She said.

I chuckled at her actions. Man I love her. Chandler went to take a seat and Elizabeth pulled me to talk to me in private.

"You are perfect together!" She squeaked. "I can tell he's a good guy"

"We just met him." I laughed. "Just see how it goes and tell me everything."She exclaimed. I nodded and sat next to Chandler.

"So you like art?". "Oh I absolutely love it!". I exclaimed. "Sorry". That was a bit too loud.

He laughed softly and looked deeply into my eyes. We continued to stare until the teacher entered the class. My cheeks reddened after I realized that we were looking at each other. I heard him mumble to himself something like I like making you blush. I pretended not to hear that.

Lessons flew by. Now it's the end of the school day. I went to Elizabeth's locker. "I am so excited for the weekend." I sighed. "Me too." I heard a voice behind me which made me jump.

"Hi Chandler." Elizabeth jumped. "You're doing anything this weekend?".

"I um-Um." I stuttered. "No she is totally free." She giggled.

"Alright then maybe you wanna hangout?" "She totally does!" Elizabeth said a little too loud. I turned my face and gave her a small death stare.

"Sorry". She said. "Yeah sure". I blushed. "Alright see you tomorrow at my house for dinner". He gave a small cute smile. I nodded.

I got all dressed up. Elizabeth helped me with my hair. Right before I walked out of the door she said "Go get him". I winked at her.

I reached his house and man it is huge! I rang the bell and waited for someone to answer.

"Coming!" I heard a familiar voice. Chandler froze when he opened the door and eyed me all the way up till down. "Is there something wrong?"I asked nervously.

"No no it's nothing, you just look gorgeous". I blushed and looked at the floor.

During dinner he made the funniest jokes. We talked about our past.

After we finished we went for a walk. He held my hand and leaned in for a kiss. I stood on my toes because of the height difference. We kissed, it wasn't a spark nor fireworks. There were too dull to describe it.

I am falling for that Chandler boy.

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