•Chapter 1~Intro•

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Back Story:
Jacob Sartorius and Mark Thomas were best friends since they were small. They are now 13, and 14.
Current Version:
Laila's POV:
Greetings, I'm Laila. I'm your typical sweet 13 year old girl. (Girl in the pic) My mother and Father decided to move to Virginia two days ago, and we are currently on the plane. I was definitely going to miss my friends and especially, my boyfriend. My boyfriends name is Kyle, he really didn't want me to leave but I had no choice. Maybe Virginia would bring me a better life than before. I'm not going to lie, Kyle was an ass sometimes, but he really loved me. At least I think he did, and I hope he still does.
After the flight~
We are now at the new house, damn, is gigantic. My mother had told me the house wasn't that big, she had told me it was just perfect. I was sad that I left Chicago, but I was happy because there was this vine star that lived in Virginia. The vine star I'm talking about is Jacob Sartorius, he's so cute. Of course if I would meet him I wouldn't flirt, because I have a boyfriend. When we entered the house, it was like a mansion, it was breathtaking. The house had three bathrooms, four bedrooms, and it had a gaming room in the basement. As I got to my room, everything was set up the way I wanted it. A girly yet teen theme going on. I fell down on my bed, and called up Kyle. It brought me to the answering machine, 'Hey it's Ya boy Kyle, leave me a msg' "Hey Babe, it's me Laila, I wanted to let you know that I'm home safe, and that my house is HUGE! I can't wait to FaceTime you and show you. Love ya." I left my message and went on Twitter, as I got on, I had 17 notifications. All of them were from my friends, except for one. I clicked on my last notification, and I couldn't believe my eyes. Looks like Kyle had already moved on. He was with my best friend at the park, and they were cuddling on the bench and he was kissing her neck. I quickly replied. 'Looks like you've moved on, well guess what? I have too.  This hot boy named Jacob lives right next door, and trust me, he won't treat me like shit.' I pressed send, and felt a wave of sadness coming my way. I just let it all out, I burst out crying and screaming, almost throwing everything on the floor. How could he do this?! How could they do this? I blocked both their numbers, and went downstairs to my mom. "Laila Hun, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" She asked worriedly. "Kyle." I simply replied, "He cheated on me." I add. "Oh darling I'm so sorry." She hugs me, "And guess with who?" I asked. "Jessica." I admitted, my moms eyes widened. She just kept me in her arms as I calmed myself down.
An Hour later~
I took a shower, and dried my hair. I decided to wear a pair of navy blue shorts with a white crop top. I didn't put any makeup on apart from mascara. After, I headed downstairs to tell my mom I was going to explore the neighbourhood. She agreed but told me to be home for dinner. I grabbed my phone, and headed outside. It was so warm and beautiful in Virginia, I was quite happy that we moved now. Kyle and Jessica kept on popping up in my head, and as much as I wanted to cry I didn't. Not far from my house was a park with a bunch of kids, so that's where I headed. Most of the kids were five and stuff, except for a group of friends that looked my age. I didn't wanna disturb their group, so I sat down on a swing and listened to music. A few minutes passed, and I got bored of being on the the swing so I just went to sit down on the bench. I wasn't a very social person, I was sort of a loner. As I was scrolling through Jacob Sartorius' vines, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a girl with the fiery red hair, and beautiful green eyes. "Hey!" She exclaimed as she sat down next to me, she looked my age. "Hi." I answered with a smile, "I'm Lauren, and over there are my friends." She pointed to the group of friends I had seen earlier. "Nice to meet you, I'm Laila." I introduced myself, "Let me show you my friends!" She said excitedly as she pulled me by my wrist. As I got to the group of friends, they all started at me. "Guys, this is Laila, Laila, these are your new friends!" She introduced me. "Hello Laila!" They exclaimed, I smiled, they all seemed friendly. Just then I saw a familiar face, but I wasn't sure of their name. "Okay guys, let's say our names and ages." Lauren ordered. "Hey I'm Kate, and I'm  13." One of them said, "Hi I'm Mark, I'm 14." Another one said, That's it! MARK! He's friends with Jacob! That means Jacob is probably in their group! Oh my god Laila you need to calm yourself down. "Nice to Meet you." I reply. "I'm Bryce, Bryce Hall, I'm 15." Someone else said. Bryce too! OMG! I can't anymore, Jacob has to be in this group! And lastly someone said, "And I'm Jessie, I'm 12." She was beautiful for a 12 year old. She looked 15. "Oh, and there's this kid named Jacob too, but he's late. We don't know why." Bryce added. Shit. My dream was about to come true. "Oh wait he's over there!" Lauren pointed to Jacob running our way. THIS CANT BE.
So I'm starting this Jacob Sartorius FanFic, because I love him, and some of you love him too! So why not?
-Amanda 💕

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