•Chapter 51~End Of Tour•

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Eight Months Later~
  Yes, the tour is over. I am finally back home with my son Mason. Okay. Yes I became pregnant with a baby girl which we still haven't decided her name yet. She'll be here any time soon.

  I'm extremely big seriously, I feel like this baby is gonna be huge! The tour was awesome!! I met so many fans and some even brought me stuff for the baby. Nothing went wrong, everything was perfect. Thank God we're back home because this baby could be here any day.

  Yes, Mason's birthday passed.. He turned five. It's currently February 7th, Valentine's Day is coming up and I still haven't found something for Jacob yet. All I've been doing the past days that I've been home from tour is prepare Mason for kindergarten.. He's starting in September.. I have to teach him how to behave during school.

  "Mason, wanna come with mommy to buy something for daddy?" I asked my son as I got his coat. "Yes mommy! We have to be quiet because or else he'll know!" Mason said as he tiptoed to me. He's adorable! I love him!

  Jacob was taking a nap upstairs so this was our chance, we got into the car and drove off to the mall. We ended up getting Jacob new cologne, hair gel and a card from Mason and I. It was simple but... What else could I get him?

  When we got back home I hid the gifts and sat on the couch with Mason. "Mommy, I'm tired. Can I go take a nap?" He asked, I nodded and brought him to his room. I then decided to go to Jacob and I's room upstairs.

  When I got inside the room Jacob was sitting on the room in his boxers. You could tell he had taken a shower. "Oh gosh Jacob! Put some pants on. Geez!" I shouted as I covered my eyes. I couldn't help but let a small giggle Coke out of my mouth. I could also feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

  "Why? It's not the first time you see me like this." He asked, "Still!" I whisper yelled. He stood up and put some sweat pants on. He still didn't have a shirt, but that didn't bother me. I laid down on the bed next to Jacob and relaxed into his arms.

  It was only 4:15 pm though.. We couldn't go to bed now. My stomach started to hurt, oh great! These were the exact pains I felt when I had Mason. These were contractions! "Jacob.. Contractions." Is the only thing I could say. The Pain was getting worse every minute.

  He picked me up bridal style, grabbed my hospital bag and brought me into the car. Thankfully Madison had moved across the street. Jacob quickly made his way to her house.

Jacob's POV:
  "Maddie! Please go take care of Mason. Laila is having contractions." I spoke. Madison nodded and headed to our house. I thanked her and rushed to the nearest hospital.. I could be having another baby today. A baby girl.

  When we got there Laila was rushed into the delivery room and they started to make her push. I held onto her hand tight, but she was holding tighter. I could see the pain in her face. Tears ran down her face. The doctors started to panic. What was going on?

  "Sir, your wife is having trouble with this delivery.. You need to step out of the room. We're going to have a quick check up.. The baby's running out of air." The doctor spoke. What?! I refused to get out. I stood my Laila's side all along. Finally, after one hour and forty five minutes of being in the room, Laila gave birth.

  Our baby was beautiful, just then u found the perfect name for her. She looked like a little girl named 'Camilla'. And that's when I found out the name of my new baby girl. Camilla.

Laila's POV:
  I had a perfect name in mind for this baby girl. Camilla... All I had to do was tell Jacob. It was the perfect name for her. She looked just like Jacob.

Two Days Later~
  We were back home from the hospital,  Jacob and I both had the great idea to call her Camilla. Crazy right? Mason seems to be utterly in love with Camilla. Not literally as Jacob and I are but as siblings. Which is adorable!

My baby girl, Camilla was born on Tuesday, February 7th at 5:35 pm. I couldn't be more proud of what Jacob and I's life has become.... And that's why moving to Virginia was the best mistake of my life.
And that is a rap! This is the end of book number one... This journey was awesome and I never thought I would get as many reads as I got... I love you guys all very dearly.. But don't be sad okay? There's book two coming out! I can't just leave Jaila and the kids like this right? Nah. I gotta continue. Thanks for reading, "Which Boy?" XoXo
~Amanda 😪💘💘
Go on my page and make sure you check out book two! It's out now! 🙆🏻🙆🏻🙆🏻

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