•Chapter 19~New Boy:)•

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Today Jacob and I decided to go to school, so I had to get ready. I took my phone and played 'Hall Of Fame' by The Script. Even though the song is sorta old, I still enjoy it. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and started to apply a thick coat of mascara. I just added cherry lip balm and my makeup was done. My outfit was plain boring today, you could say that I wasn't trying very much.... Here it is.

When I was finally done getting ready, I did the usual stuff

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When I was finally done getting ready, I did the usual stuff... I ate, talked with my mom and headed outside to start walking with Jacob. "Hey Beautiful." He said planting a kiss in my cheek. " I didn't try much today, but thanks babe." I admitted kissing him back. Lauren had told me that there was a new boy at our school and he was really cute.... Oh well, we'll just have to see. When Jacob and I got to school, right away my friends came up to me and hugged me. "Hey Lauren, Madison, Jessie, Mark, Kali and Bryce!" I greeted them. "Hey girl!" They all replied, "So? Who's his new boy you guys are drooling over?" I asked curiosity filling my mind. "Oh! He's over there." Madison said pointing to the blonde head that was surrounded by a group of guys. "Oh.." I said realizing that he was hella cute. (Guy in pic above.) "Go say Hi!" Madison said pushing me towards him. "No! I have a boyfriend Madison, you can't make me say hi to H-" I said as I was ring pushed there until I got interrupted by a cute looking boy. "Hey Beautiful." He said as he put his bag back on his shoulder. "Oh um, I have a boyfriend. But hey." I said stuttering on my words. Jacob was talking to Bryce and Mark, the usual. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm new here girl, I'll have to get use to you being taken." He said with a wink. Okay. "I'm Dylan By the way." He introduced himself as he gave me a quick hug. "Nice to Meet you Dylan, I'm Laila." I said as we pulled away. "Okay, well I'll see ya around hopefully." He waved as he walked away. He was really cute, but Jacob was cuter. Today, my first class was P.E. I walked into the gymnasium with a msmile plastered on my face. P.E was always my favourite subject.

During P.E I found out that Dylan was with me and Lauren! Isn't that great? "Hey Laila! We have P.E together." Dylan said excitedly. "We do!" I replied making him smile.

  After school, I walked back home alone. I hadn't seen Jacob all day at school, maybe he was with his friends. When I arrived home, I hugged my mom and dad and headed straight to my room. I texted Jacob,
Me: hey Jacob! Why didn't I see you at school?
Jacob☺️💕: 1 New image subject*
I opened the image subject and it was a picture of Dylan and I kissing?! What the living fucks!? You could tell that it was photoshopped though.
Me: My Lord Jacob! That's photoshopped! I never kissed the new kid!
Jacob☺️💕: Okay Laila. I know I should believe you, but I'm kinda having doubts.
I called him up.
L: Jacob. I never kissed him.
J: How do I know if that's true.
L: Because I promised to never lie or hurt you Jacob Sartorius.
J: Laila... I need to hug you.
L: Then meet me on my roof.
J: Okay.
And I hung up the phone, who would have made that edit? Why? Who would wanna make Jacob and I fight? I tried to forget about it and I headed up to my roof. Jacob was already there, how did he get here so quick? "Come here." I said as I opened my arms for him to rest in them. "I love you." He whispered as he planted a kiss on my lips. I immediately kissed back, I felt an urge to go down into my room. I took hold of Jacob's hand and we went down into my room. We laid on my bed and cuddled, cuddling led to Jacob planting kisses on my neck and his kisses led to me straddling his waist. "Are you sure?" He asked me as I took his shirt off. "Yes Jacob. I'm sure."
Later That Night~
I had fallen asleep in Jacob's arms, I was truly in love with this boy.
Hey Guys! You thought I was gonna go Into details huh? Hahah.
I love you guys! Sorry for the short chapter, but I'll probably update again today.
-Amanda 😏✌🏻️

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