Chapter 3: The Dinner

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When I got home my dad was there which is weird because he is normally at work around this time.
"Hey sweetheart what are you doing here so early" my dad said
"Umm I got dirty at lunch so I came home to clean up" I said kinda of lying
" alright oh yea my boss and her son will be coming over for dinner tonight around 5:30 so please look your best" my dad said then he kissed my head and went upstairs

I got a snack out my kitchen and went upstairs to take a shower. When I was out I put on this stripped black and white dress that had a cut down my leg with some black heels. I blew dry my hair then I straighten and part my bangs in the middle while I put half of my hair with a poof leaving the rest down. Then I put on a necklace that was connected to another one with a bracelet that was connect to my middle finger. For makeup I kept it natural. And when I was done I looked on my phone it was 5:20.

Then my dad said " there here please come down Madison"
" alright" then I went to downstairs
" you look beautiful sweetheart" my dad said then someone knocked on the door it was my dad's boss and the one and only

Unknown POV

When I was driving up to my mom's coworkers house for dinner. When I got there I saw a really beautiful girl. WAIT HOLY SHIT THATS MADISON!!!!!! She looked so beautiful wait what am I talking about I hate her so much. She's a whore who nobody likes.

Madison POV

It was the one and only TAYLOR CANIFF what the hell he kept looking at up and down. Then he looked surprised at me. It was weird then he started checking me out like what the fuck you hate me stop looking at me. Then while our parents were talking they said to talk in the living room so that's where we went. It was pretty weird . I was on my phone the whole time. Then he got called by his mom.

Taylor POV

My mom called me into the kitchen.
" yea mom" I said
" you just invite her your party on Sunday" she said
" mom do I have to" I said hoping she would say no
" Taylor Michael Caniff you're inviting her to the party that final" she said walking away
" bitch" I mumbled

Madison POV

Taylor came in and said " do you wanna go to my party on Sunday"
"I guess" I said wondering about the catch then it was time to eat so we went in and ate then they left.....

Then I went upstairs got in my pjs, take off my makeup, then put my hair into a ponytail then I went to sleep.

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