Chapter 7: The flight

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*Beep Beep*
I woke up to the sound of Shawn Mendes singing Something Big. Ugh what time is it then I looked at the time on my IPhone 6s and it read 4:55. Why did I set the time so early and why am I up what the fuck. Then I remembered I have a flight to catch. So I got up took my toothbrush out my suitcase brush my teeth and out it back. I just left on my Black regular shirt, and I put on some hollister sweatpants that you could push up to your knees that were gray. And I put on my black and white high topped converse since they were the closest pair of shoes to my bed. I left my hair up in a messy bun and made up my bed. Then I put on phone charger and laptop charger in my bag with my laptop. Then I grabbed my suitcase and went downstairs.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" my aunt said all ready fully dressed and drinking coffee with Zachary her boyfriend. So I went into the frig and got some juice.

" mornin" I said

" are you ready" she said

" yea let grab my suitcase" I said putting my cup in the sink

" no need I'll do it" Zachary said

" alright" I said checking the time on my phone it read 5:00 and then I got on Twitter and tweeted:
@xXMadisonXx off to meet Bart from Magcon❤️even though it's literally 5:05am #sleepy

We lived pretty far from the airport it was like a 30min. ride to there but it was alright because my aunts car is very comfortable.

When we got there it was 5:30 so I went through security and by that time it was 5:50. And my flight had been called up. So we said our goodbyes and I got on the plane ride. I was really scared that we will crash and I will die at 16. Well I guess I shouldn't have watch the movie Final Destination because of that I had a fear of getting on planes. And honestly it wasn't that bad I guess. But I don't really remember what happened on the plane because I fell asleep on the plane.

Sorry for the short chapter will make them longer.

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