Chapter 2: Another Day of hell

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*Beep Beep*

Great it was Monday.....welcome to another day of hell I thought to myself. I literally made myself get out of bed. And I got in the shower when I was out. For my outfit all I did was put on a dark grey hoodie, black skinny jeans and white converse. I just let my hair naturally wavy and I put on concealer to cover put my bruises and scars on me. I grabbed my black jansport backpack and left for school. I walk to school because I'm only 15 so I can't drive but damn I wish I could.

When I was walking I felt like someone was following me so I sped up and I heard footsteps like someone was running so I ran. That's when I felt someone push me into the fence and it was the one and only.......Taylor Caniff.

" where do you think you're going slut" he said into my ear so nobody would here him but me
" school" I said
" did I say you could talk" he yelled
" well you ask me a question so I answered" I said crap why did I say that
That's we he raised up his hand and slapped me hard I felt my cheek get red.
" if you talk back again then you will get worse" he said smirking then leaving
I started to cry and my cheek was stinging even more so I just walked to school trying to stop crying and I did once I got to school.


I pretty much ran to my locker hoping not to get stopped by the guys and surprisingly I did. That's until when someone slapped my locker closed and it was.. And it was Carter and Nash. GREAT!!!
" so I hear you talked back to Taylor well.....big mistake bitch" Carter said
" move Carter" I said why can't I keep my mouth shut
" or what" Nash said pushing my into my locker getting in my face
" please move I have to go to class" I said trying to move Nash but then he pushed into the locker hard causing me fall. And I let a few tears escape my eyes and they guys were laughing and they left. So once I was sure they were gone I ran to class.

"Today we will be talking about Genes but first we will be doing a project with partners so the first partnership will be Matthew and Madison" the teacher said as I was zoning out that's when Matthew came up to me and said " meet at my house after school on Thursday" then he left

-Time Jump 2 Lunch-

As I was walking I heard people calling my name when I turned around someone threw a red slushy on me and it burned my eyes like hell. When I woke up eyes I saw all the guys around me laughing. And so I ran to my the bathroom and toke off my hoodie so I just had on a regular plain white shirt on. I tried to take all of the slurpy off my hoodie put it wouldn't budge after a certain point. So I did the best that I could and went to the cafeteria.

When I got my food I sat down in a empty table that's when I heard people yell food fight and it was weird because they were only throwing food at me. So I ran out the cafeteria and went home.

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