Chapter 11

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"shut the hell up" I screamed and cut it off then when I opened my eyes all everyone was on me.

"What did I do" I asked

Everyone laughed and Taylor brought out a cake with candles on it. Then everyone sang happy birthday to me.

"My birthday was yesterday" I said

"Who cares you never got to the cake" Carter said

"But----" I said then I got cutt off by Hayes

"Girl.....shut up and blow out the damn candles all ready"

"Chill" then I blew out the candles

"What you did you wish for" Taylor said

"Well I wished for.....SLEEP" I said

"No it's like 11:30 right now get your ass up" Taylor said pulling me out of bed

"Yesterday I got pulled out of bed by a 14 year old now by a 18 year old.....who's going to be next" I said causing everyone to laugh then I went in the bathroom and Mahogany brung me my suitcase and we started talking as I was brushing my teeth

"Madison....I might be wrong about this but how come there so more tension when you're in the room alone with the guys because the guys tell me that they feel like you're scared of them"

"Well I knew Nash, Aaron, Carter, Taylor and Matthew before I came here because.......well because" then I felt my eyes get glossy

"Well because what Maddie"

"They used to bully me when I was in 6th grade through 10th"

"Oh my god why"

"That's the thing I don't know why....they never told me"

" I'm going to kick there ass"

"No please don't say anything to them....I want to forget about it"

" if they apologize will you forgive them"

" yea I'm mean forgive and forget right"

" yea I guess now go take a shower and get ready for the Magcon lunch meet and greet"

"What I thought that we didn't have anything today"

"All we have is a meet and greet and we eat lunch with fans"

"Alright" then Mahogany left and I got in the shower when I was out.

I decide to wear my Magcon merchandise with Mahogany so I put on a sweater that had all the guys faces on it with some black skinny jeans and boots. Then I loosely curled my hair and put on my Magcon beanie and I put on some eyeliner, mascara, and some nude pink lipstick. When I was out the bathroom all the guys looked at me

"Madison can me, Nash, Taylor, Aaron, and Matthew talk to you for a second outside?" Carter said

"I guess" I said then we went outside my hotel room

" I don't know how to say this correctly so I'm just going to be straight forward with it are you Madison Marie Hanson because you look exactly like her just with ombré hair and different wardrobe. And you have the same habits as her and the same birthday and the same middle name" Matthew said

"I don't know what you're talking about my last name is Smith not Hanson" I said trying to keep it cool so I looked down at my shoes

"Oh really so you don't mind if I called you Mads then"

"Actually I do I hate that now ever since Aaron gave that to me in the eighth grade......DAMN IT" I said reasoning I just gave myself up

" please don't hurt me" I said when my eyes turned glossy

"No we don't wanna hurt you we want a fresh start but before that happens will you forgive us" Nash said

"Yes...yes I will forgive you" I said wiping away my tears carefully since I didn't want to screw up my makeup

" well before we start over when you left where did you go" Aaron said

"I have went to my aunt's house that was a couple cities away from my dad's house and I begged her to let me stay with her and she agreed so I moved new friends made new social media accounts and started fresh" I said

"Oh" Aaron said

"Yea" I said then it was silent until Matthew being Matthew jumped on my back.

"You little fucker you" I screamed

"Let's have a race" Nash screamed then Carter got on his back

"Wait.....Nash what are the rules" I said

"Dude whatever it takes just no tripping each other" he said completely looking at Matthew

"On your March get set go" Aaron screamed causing us to run

"Wait Nash come here real quick" I said and he ran to me

Then I pulled him really close to my face like I was going to kiss then I stopped when we were like 3 inches away from each other and said "better luck next time" then I ran away and we won the race

"And the winners are Maddie and Matty" Aaron said

"You cheated" Nash said playfully

"Me" I said innocently

"You can't tease someone like that.......that's cruel and unusual punishment" he said

"Fine come here" I said and I was about to kiss him but instead when we were close I kissed his cheek

"That's it" Nash said and he started chasing me all over the hotel until we were in the lobby

"Alright you win" I said

"Thank you very much" Nash said then he kissed me and we walked to the venue.

When we got there everyone was already there even Shawn and he takes a long time to get ready he says he has to make sure his hair is in fleek. He's a weird 17 year old boy.

"You guys are finally here" Matthew said

" we were waiting on you guys" Nash lied

" oh so you weren't chasing Maddie around the hotel" Carter said smirking

"Yea but we stop asswipe" I said giving Carter the "shut the fuck up" look

Then he showed me a vine that was showing us racing and Nash chasing me.

"Ass" I said to Carter causing him to laugh

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