Chapter 13: Taddie???

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I woke up very happy because I didn't wake up to an annoying ass alarm and there's no events for Magcon until tomorrow....and I serious this time there's no surprise meet and greet just me and my bed. Since I think Mahogany was in the shower considering she was gone and the shower water was on. And I was right since she came out of the shower in a towel.

"Hey sleepy head" she said drying her hair in a towel

"Hey so what do you what to do today" I said getting out of bed and getting a water bottle

"Umm I don't know we could go to the mall" she said getting out an outfit for today

"Alright cool.....did you use all the hot water" I asked

"No....I was in the shower for like 5 minutes" she said

" alright cool be right back" I said going to the bathroom

"Alright don't be long" she yelled as I was closing the door

"Alright" I yelled back then I got in the shower

When I was out I put on a floral spaghetti strap shirt that was tight in the top but flowyish(not a word) top with some ripped blue skinny jeans that were folded at the bottom and I put on some blue high top converse. Then for my hair I curled in loosely and put on a light pink bandana. For makeup I put on mascara and my melon flavored EOS. Then I walked out of the bathroom to see Mahogany and Taylor in the room.

"Damn girl I see your representing me" Taylor smirked also wearing the same bandana

"No your representing me wearing your converse" I said pointing to his wear you see I'm kind of famous for wearing converse and vans.

"Touché" he nodded then Mahogany spoke up

"Baby girl you and Tay can be twins by the way you acted"

"Hell nah" I said just l like that vine

"That's fucked up" Taylor said playfully touching his heart as if he was hurt

"No offense Tay" I smiled at him and he hugged my with his arms on my waist and my arms were wrapped around his neck then we went to the mall


When we at the mall Mahogany and I both saw Starbucks so of course we got someone because.....well it's Starbucks and were fat asses so yea.

Mahogany and I both ordered a caramel frappe in the size medium while Tay ordered the java chip in a large.

While I was in line Taylor hugged me from behind and we just waited while Mahogany was on Twitter behind us. That's when some fans spotted us.

"Oh my gosh your Madison, Mahogany, and Taylor from Magcon can we get a picture" the fan with curly ginger colored hair asked

"Yea what's your name babe" Taylor asked

"Jennifer my name is Jennifer" Jennifer said

"Jennifer a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Taylor smiled his million dollar smile at her and when he said that I mumbled "such a cliché" and I think Mahogany heard me because she nudged me

Then we posed me kissing the fan cheek while Taylor had his hand on her waist and Mahogany doing the deuces sign and then right before the picture was taken he kissed her in the cheek. WHAT THE HELL......

After the picture I felt really weird like why did I get so mad when Taylor did that I mean he's such a flirt ugh.....these got damn emotions.

"Maddie what's wrong" Mahogany asked

"I'll tell you when we got back to the hotel" I said and she nodded

As we were walking I spotted the store Zumiez so I ran in and they ran after me.

"Holy shi......soup" I stopped since I notice there was a little kid behind us.

"Nice save" Taylor laughed

"I love that fricking penny board" I said pointing over to the black penny board that had neon pink wheels and it was blue on the back.

"Alright I'll buy it for you" Taylor said

"No I have my money I'll do it" I said

"Just think of it as a late birthday present" he smile....god he's smile

"No I'm buying it" I said getting my my money

" Maddie I'm buying the got damn penny board for you and there's nothing you could do about it" Taylor said grabbing my money and putting it in my back pockets

"Fine you fucker" I said as he grabbed the penny board from me and went to the cashier

"Hey aren't you guys from Magcon" the cashier said

"Yea I'm Maddie and this is Taylor and Mahogany" I said

"Omg it's Taddie" she squealed

"Huh" Taylor asked

"Taddie your ship name Maddie and Taylor" she said

"Oh we're not together" I said

"Then why are you guys wearing the same color bandana and converses" she asked

"I don't.....yea why are we wearing the same shoes" I asked him

"It matches my shirt and why are you wearing the same bandana as me" he asked

"It matches my shirt" I said

"Well umm I was wondering if I could get a picture with us guys" she said

"Yea babes what's your name" Mahogany asked

"Lizbeth"she said

"Well Lizbeth lets go" I said then we took the picture and he got me the penny board. After that we went to Delia's, Victoria secret, Diamond Co., and we went to the food court.

When we got back to the hotel I decide to get on Twitter...... @xXMadisonXx who is thinking me and Taylor are an item🤔🤔 and I instantly got lots of comments that were saying yea I totally ship Taddie who knew people thought we were a thing.


So what's going to happen next...hmmmm any ideas sorry for not updating I had writers block really bad and I still kind of do but I'm getting there. Anywho follow me and my friends vine group it's called .M.N.S. So follow and OMFG Cameron fricking Dallas followed is like what the fuck just happened anywho....o2l or Magcon

Bye loves love you lots


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