Chapter 1: Introduction

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Heyy.....I'm Madison but you guys can call me Maddie or Mads. Anyways I have this problem....these boys are bullying me and there names are Matthew, Taylor, Nash, Aaron, and Carter. I haven't even done anything to them I've knew them since like 2nd grade maybe even longer than that. Anyways all they do is call me names, start rumors about me, and they even beat me up.

All of it actually started when I was in the 6th grade and I'm in the 10th grade now. I don't actually know why or how it happened just one day they started calling names and beating me up. It's like the only reason why they are here is to make my life a living hell like what the fuck.

This is my first fanfic so please don't hate it or anything. I know that there is a new Magcon now but I still love the old one and I will forever. Thanks and I hope you understand or that you don't hate me.

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