Chapter 2: Son of Hades

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Waking up hurts. There is pain at the back of my head and in my shoulder. I wake up with a groan and a string of curse words.

"You have a very colorful vocabulary," someone chuckles. I look to my right to see Percy sitting on a bed his arm in a sling and his head bandaged slightly.

Next to him is Annabeth trying not to laugh. Rolling my eyes at his comment, I look away. He turns and starts arguing with Annabeth in a hushed tone. All I caught was, "Son... Hades... Meet... No... Why... Okay."

Then everything comes back to me. "Shit!" I curse. Percy looks away from Annabeth and at me in surprise. "Sorry," I whisper my cheeks getting hot.

"Raven, there is someone I want you to meet," Percy has a serious expression on his face.

He leads me to a cabin that is decorated mostly in black. There is some gold here and there but mostly black. Percy motions for me to follow him. Biting my lip I follow obediently.

A boy about my age looks up from what he was doing when we walk in. He has black silky hair and olive skin. He had on a black leather jacket over an orange t-shirt exactly like the one Percy is wearing.

He smirked when we came in, but his smirk disappeared when he saw me. He got up and walked over to us.

"Nico, this is Raven she is a new camper and I thought you should meet her," Percy says.

"Why Percy? Do you want to scare her off like everyone else?"

Percy just rolls his eyes and nods his head to me.

Nico moves his gaze away from Percy and over to me. He looks me up and down. Now that I think about it he kind of looks like an outcast even in a camp full of outcasts. Just like me.

I tilt my head and stare at him as well. He holds out his hand.

"I'm Nico, son of Hades," he tells me with a very serious expression.

"Raven, daughter of someone," I tell him. I kind of feel a little giddy for some reason but try not to make anything of it. He stares at me in surprise.

"Does she know about all of the gods?" Nico asks in a gruff voice.

Percy gives him a nod, "She knows a lot about Ancient Greek mythology," he whispers.

They both look at me as if expecting me to say something.

"What?" I ask.

"You didn't flinch or run away when I told you who my dad was," Nico says in awe.

I tilt my head. "I don't care who your dad is. It doesn't make you different from every other outcast in this camp," I state confidently. Nico grins and pulls me into an unexpected hug. I chuckle and hug him back.

"So... does that mean that you guys are friends?" Percy asks hopefully. We look at each other. Then turn back to Percy and nod.

"YES! I told Annabeth that you two would end up as friends," Percy basically yells.

We all laugh and then Nico notices my clothes. Percy noices at the same time.

"Lets get you some new clothes," Nico says.

Nico puts his arm around my shoulder smirking as people look at us weird. I laugh when we pass the Aphrodite cabin who has their mouths wide open staring at us. I'm wearing Annabeth's shirt since she offered to let me barrow it.

Other campers stop and stare at us. "Close your mouth or you'll catch flys," Nico tells a group of people. I try hard not to laugh but I don't succeed. Nico laughs with me and we continue a tour of the camp.

We see Chiron by a cabin. Nico tells me it's Zeus's cabin. I walk up to it.

"Um... Raven I don't think you should do that," he tries to stop me from going inside the cabin but I feel a strong pull. I open the door to see a boy with blond hair. Then the cabin is suddenly filled with light. The older boy gasps and the loud campers outside are suddenly quiet.

The boy points to something above my head and I look up. I take in a sharp breath because above my head is a lightning bolt. The sign of Zeus.


Hey guys I have rewriten this chapter many times and I think I finally got it how I want it. So if you haven't already guessed it then I will tell you that I have decided to make this a Nico di Angelo fanfic!

I Am A Demigod {Nico di Angelo fanfic} (Percy Jackson) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now