Chapter 2

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• Zach's POV •
Edwin grabbed Ashlynn's suitcase, and I picked her up. She was holding her light blue alpaca stuffed animal in her hands. We all walked downstairs to Nick who was finished with the paperwork.

"Thank you so much boys. Also, I have this little folder with papers that have information about Ashlynn. Just the things she likes and her personality. Take good care of her!" Mrs. Parks said to us as we walked to the car.

We all loaded into the SUV, sitting in the same spots as we did on the way here. Ashlynn's suitcase was in the trunk, and she sat on my lap since we still have to buy a car seat.

"Hi princess, I'm your Uncle Zach, but if you want you can call me Zach!" I said to Ashlynn with a huge smile on my face. She was so darn cute.

Ashlynn smiled back at me then gave me a huge hug. She stayed like this for awhile, then looked at me and said, "I love you Uncle Zach!"

"I love you too, munchkin!" I said giving her another hug. She then fell asleep in my arms for the rest of the ride home.

-back at the house-
"Ashlynn wake up, we're home!" I said lightly shaking her awake.

"I want to show you something." She said as I exited the car. She closed the door, then opened it up and said "grrrr!" I pretended to be scared and she laughed.

"You're so silly!" I said to Ashlynn in the high voice that I always say my catchphrase in, as I lifted her and her alpaca stuffed animal out of the car. Edwin got her suitcase out of the trunk, and then we all walked inside.

• Nick's POV •
"Okay Ashlynn, we live in a very big house so don't get lost!" I said to her.

"Can you show me everything? I want to see it all!" She said happily, jumping up and down.

"Alllllright!" I replied as I picked her up off the ground.

I showed Ashlynn around the whole house, including:
1. The basement
2. The kitchen
3. The backyard and pool
4. The family room
5. Bathrooms
6. Game room and broadcasting room, which includes small indoor trampolines, a couch, and a challenge station/counter.
7. Everyone's bedrooms
8. Her room and her playroom

"What is that room?" Ashlynn asked me pointing to the empty room that I didn't show her yet.

"This is just an empty room. What do you want to do with it?" I asked her. It was a pretty good sized room, but I didn't see us needing it. We already have all of the rooms we need.

"I want to dance." She said with a frown.

"We can put you in dance classes, and this can be your dance room. Is that good?" I asked Ashlynn.

"Yes! Can I meet everyone now? I don't know their names except for Uncle Zach." Oh, we forgot to introduce ourselves.

"Everyone meet in the family room to introduce yourself to Ashlynn!" I shouted as I made my way downstairs.

We all sat in a circle on the carpet. Everyone introduced themselves when Ashlynn walked over to them and tapped their head.

"I'm Rudan, but you can call me Rudu if you want."

"I'm Edwin."

"You already know me silly, I'm Zach."

"I'm Nick."

"And I'm Timmy."

"Timmyyyyyy!" Ashlynn said dragging on the 'y'. We all laughed at her reaction to Timmy's name.

"So all of you are my Uncles? Do I have a mommy or a daddy?" She asked.

"I'm your dad, and everyone else is your uncle." I said, opening my arms to hug her. She ran over and sat in my lap as she hugged me.

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