Chapter 9

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- Kylee's POV -

The time is 8:10, two minutes until Ashlynn's "official" birthday.

Edwin, Maddie, Rudan, and I all got the huge cake from our refrigerator in the broadcasting room, since the one in the kitchen was full. Everyone else was sitting in the family room still watching Dora the Explorer with Ashlynn, that way she's distracted from us setting up the cake. The lights are out in the kitchen, which is open to the family room, so she wont be able to notice. Ashlynn also took off her hospital gown and pjs a little while ago, and got changed into some black leggings and the sweatshirt Edwin bought her.

The cake has four layers, since she's turning four years old, and is all pink and white. Each layer has a different pattern: one has plaid/checkered, one has polka dots, another has stripes, and the last has chevron.  We put four golden candles on the top layer, and a huge "4" candle on the center of the top layer. We all carried it into the kitchen and placed it on the counter; Ashlynn was so focused on the tv that she didn't even notice. Once we texted Nick "caw caw", our bird cue for, "it's time", he blindfolded Ashlynn and carried her over. We lit all of the candles, and took off her blindfold.

- Zach's POV -

When we took off the blindfold, Ashlynn's eyes lit up as if someone had just handed her a million dollars. I could only imagine why, because she's never had cake before. Maybe hasn't even seen one. I was standing next to Nick, who was holding Ashlynn as we sung her happy birthday.

"Make a wish! But don't say it out loud or tell anyone or else it wont come true!" I told her, after we finished singing the song. She then blew out her candles with the biggest smile on her face, and we all ate it and had a great night.


I know this was a pretty short chapter, but her birthday is pretty much over and I wanted the chapter to end on that note. :)

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