Chapter 7

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- Zach's POV -

"Ashlynn Bean?" We all exchanged nervous glances before walking up to the lady to hear whats going on. At this point I am beyond nervous, but I think the feeling is mutual between us all right now.

"Is she alright? Is she even alive?" I asked, my voice slightly cracking.

"Don't fret everyone, she is alive. She still remains unconscious, but we are almost positive she will be awake within the next few hours." The lady spoke, all of us relieved.

"However," She said, as my heart quickly sped up,

"Ashlynn has developed a case of Pneumonia."

 I think I'd rather hear nothing than what she just told us.

This sweet sweet girl is unconscious and now has pneumonia on her first good birthday. Way to go, Zach! You might as well go in the street and get hit by a car at this point, because your emotions already beat you to it. You ruined this girl's special day with your own mistake.

"But she'll live through that, right?" Nick asked.

"Yes, of course. We have medicine for her to take that will help ease the symptoms, and since hers is minor, it should take no longer than a week for her to recover." She replied.

"When will she be free to go home?" I spoke. I really hope she can come home for cake and some fun games.

"If she's feeling up to it, she can go home as soon as she's awake." She replied.

"Alright, thank you very much." Nick said, before she walked away and we all sat back down.

"How about I call the house, have Rudan, Timmy, Kenz, and Maddie set up the games and Piñata, then when Ashlynn wakes up we have all the other stuff set up for her?" Edwin said. We all nodded our heads in agreement, then Edwin walked outside and dialed Maddie's cell.

"All family of Ashlynn Bean, she just woke up. Visits to her room are permitted, but only one at a time." The same lady came back in and told us.

"Go Nick." We all said in unison, before Nick followed the lady down the hall to Ashlynn's room.

"Zach, you go once Nick comes back. Trust me, we know how stressed you are over this." Madeline said, everyone else agreeing. I nodded and awaited my turn.

- Ashlynn's POV -

Everything is dark. I see myself drowning in the pool, then Uncle Zach diving in for me. Daddy just ran outside and is crying. Now Uncle Zach is crying, too. I'm now on a stretcher in the hospital, until I open my eyes and see a room and a lady.

"Hello Miss Ashlynn, I see you're awake." She said. I gave a simple nod and she explained a few things.

"If you're wondering, you drowned in a pool and your uncle jumped in immediately to save you. You have pneumonia, and we have to give you some medicine to get better." She said. 

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