Chapter 10

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- Zach's POV - 

After Ashlynn and all of us devoured her entire cake last night, she crashed on my shoulder as we sat on the couch watching Dora. Nick and I had brought Ashlynn up to her bedroom, and then realized we had to clean up the large mess. Hey, a mess means it had to have been a pretty fun party.

The majority of everyone willingly helped us clean up the mess, whereas we had to bribe Timmy to do the same. From picking up plates and wrapping paper to putting away the leftovers, everyone pitched in equally and the house was finally clean by four in the morning. Everyone who doesn't live here just decided to sleep over rather than driving home so late while they're tired. 

The next day, Ashlynn woke me up and told me she wanted to go on a walk. Agreeing, we both took a nice walk in our pajamas at about nine fifteen in the morning. Eventually, Ashlynn somehow got me to give her a piggy back ride. She really knows how to work magic. Once we arrived back at the house, I made her some pancakes shaped like Mickey Mouse's head - aka one big circle and two smaller circles. Ash dressed her pancakes in butter and syrup and then ate them while she watched Peppa Pig. 

Eventually, everyone else woke up and decide to have cereal instead of cooking. All of the girls headed home after a bit, which left us (5quad) and Ashlynn with the rest of the day ahead of us.

"Ashlynn, what do you want to do today?" I asked her, clueless as to any activities we could all do.

"I want to play!" she said, before running to her room and not returning. We all shared a confused look until realizing she wanted us to follow her. We went up to Ashlynn's room and played with Barbies, Littlest Pet Shops, and American Girl Dolls for the rest of the day. 

It made me feel like the happiest guy alive to know that the five of us wacky teenagers and young adults adopted a little girl and changed her life by doing so.


- Ashlynn's POV -

I recently turned 14! I am a very successful YouTuber and YouNower, with over 500k on each platform. Although I am the youngest of my grade, I am a freshman. I am in three honors courses, which are Honors Spanish 2, Honors World Literature, and Honors Geometry. My other classes are Physics, World Cultures, Catholicism, Dance, and Choir.

I currently have a few friends and a boyfriend. All of my uncles, and especially my dad, are very protective of me and always have their eye on him whenever we spend time together. His name is William, or Will for short, and we've known each other since Pre-K. 

I have spent a little over ten years living with my crazy uncles and father, but a lot has changed since the day I first arrived here. My dad and Madeline, I guess I should say mom, finally got married! Uncle Edwin and Aunt Kylee also got married. Ugh, finally. Timmy and Kenz are engaged, and are getting married later this year. Uncle Rudan and Aunt Maddie have apparently dated before but broke up, but they are now together and happier than ever. As for Uncle Zach, he found a girl named Ariel who he is proposing to very soon. She's practically already an aunt to me, just like the others were when they were only dating my uncles.

My life has had its ups and downs, but I couldn't ask for it to be any other way since the ups always overcome the downs. A have a crazy family but wouldn't want to change a single thing about any of it, and I'll never throw away any time I spend with them.


Well guys, that's all I have. I hope that this book ended strong and that you all enjoyed reading. Just a reminder, if you are a Hamilton fan, I plan to start writing a Hamilton book very shortly!

For the last time of this book,

- Alexa

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