Old Freddy

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??? P.O.V.

I stared into the crudely-drawn eyes of a portrait of me on the wall, my smile looking like that of a pathetic birthday clown's, the trails beneath my eyes so messily drawn the purple seeped into the red spots on my cheeks. I hated the child's scribbles. I wanted it out of my sight but I still wasn't strong enough to escape from my prison and tear it away. I was stuck, the lid suspended just above me, taunting me, showing that all I needed was this prison to be charged up once more, for the music to spill from it so it can be absorbed. I needed that girl to play the tune once more.

My eyes flicked from the drawing to the large animatronic bear standing in front of my prison, staring down with glassy eyes at a shard of that useless blue rabbit's head that still displayed a corner of its smile.

"You," I snapped, my voice not a weak croak any more but still husky, "look at me."

The head of the bear slowly raised, and I was soon met with its stark white pupils covering what was really there, behind the mask.

"I must have the music played to me once more. Discover why the girl has not yet played the final tune and get her to. Of course, none of you can possibly give me the power needed; with all of you so useless," I glanced at the wires trailing from the torn limbs of the costume and my mouth curved into a smile. Although I was weak, I could still ensure its job is done correctly. I slowly reached my hand out from the tiny space I had to remind me that I was trapped and beckoned the bear forwards. The only emotion I allowed my puppets to feel any more was fear, and I saw that flash across the eyes of the mask before it walked closer to the box; they all knew better than to disobey me.

"After the music box is charged, you and your... partner kill them. Kill them all. I know you'll need the help after you failed me last time," I hissed. The bear glanced at the gaps in its costume adorning the centres of its arms, the endo-skeleton beneath shining bright in the dim moonlight.

"I shall admit," I spoke quietly as to not waste my slowly draining energy, "it may have been the wrong decision to affect your performance now but it was worth it to hear you scream."

I saw the bear begin to take a step back but one look from me froze it in place. I reached down, down, down, to the bottom of the prison I was in, until my hand closed around the shard. I gripped it tightly, my smile growing as no matter how hard I held it, nothing could penetrate my body. Nothing could hurt me.

"Just a small reminder of what will come to you if you fail me," I hissed, and brought the shard up so the bear could see the wide green eye that covered it. I saw the bear stiffen, making a wire trailing pathetically from its torn arm quiver slightly. My energy was fading away, too fast for me to be able to talk any more, but I grasped onto it long enough to smile once again and reach out with the shard towards the bear's arm. The sharp edge of the shard snapped that one shaking wire clean in half as I felt myself sliding back into the box. I may have been falling back into my prison but I had that final ringing scream from just outside to bring a smile to my face one last time.

Roxy's P.O.V.

I stopped stabbing at the cracked screen of the tablet as a sudden screech rang throughout the empty corridor. I immediately felt five small pairs of hands clutch at me. The scream still rang in my ears, the pain in it almost deafening. As I thought about it more, a slow realisation came to me. It almost sounded like it was a little boy screaming.

"Roxy," Aimee's whimper distracted me from my thoughts, "who was that?"

I forced the shakiness out of my voice as I spoke to the kids quietly, "I don't know sweetheart but don't worry. If someone needs help we'll find them."

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