Chapter 5

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Carmine had the sickest feeling in his stomach. His stomach was churning as he looked at Aaron, they were going to try to kill his best friend, that was not going to happen. Since he could stop time for a while, he figured he could use it to his advantage.

Morgan had went for a walk around the house trying to cool herself down, Carmine realized it was too complicated for her to understand unless she expeerienced it. Aaron was sitting across from him at the kitchen table, they were just looking at eachother, Carmine couldn't swallow the lump in his throat because fear is what drives us and you can never get rid of it.

Finally, carmine broke the silence, " Dude, I promise I'm not going to let you die," he said in a shakey voice," no one could ever replace you, nothing will kill you."

Aaron looked up from looking at his hands," I know, but maybe it's better if they do," Aaron said cooly, Carmine stared in disbelief," if they're going to endanger you two, I'm not letting them get to you guys. I'm the one that should be protecting you. I've got these amazing powers that I can use, maybe there's more to this, maybe I can use mind control or something, we should try it!!"

Aaron walked over to the fridge and got out a can of soda," Maybe I can make this levitate or something, or make it open itself.". He set it on the table and stared at it intensley.

Carmine just looked at him," I'm pretty sure soda isn't from concentrate so you can stop looking at it, it's not going to work."

Aaron rolled his eyes and continued staring at the can, Carmine just shook his head. Something none of them expected happened,, they can did start to levitate, but then it disappeared and they her a smash from the other room. They both got up and rn to the family room. There was Morgan ducked and covered and the window behind her had smashed. They looked outside and saw the can lying on the front lawn.

Morgan looked at them," WHAT WAS THAT!?" she exclaimed, her face red and her hands shaking," a soda can came hurdling towards me, which one of you threw it!"

Aaron looked at Carmine and grinned from ear to ear," I threw it with my mind!" Aaron said proudly. Morgan jumped up and tackled him.

Carmine laughed at them rolling on the floor, " You two are helpless!" he hollared and pulled them apart," you two really need to try to get along more. Morgan, you've got to admit that him throwing that with his mind is impressive. Aaron, watch where you're mind throwind soda cans...except if we're trying to be killed by freaks in black coats."

At this point Morgan stopped fighting Aaron and looked at Carmine and laughed," We're not going to be killed," she threw her head back and laughed," why would you say such a thing!?"

Carmine looked at his feet,"Morgan," he said solemly," those men that attacked the school are looking for me and Aaron, they're going to kill us, we're going to have to put up a stand if they do, no harm will come to the innocent Morgan."


Morgan couldn't believe her ears," what the heck, that's just sick!"

Carmine grabbed her by her shoulders," I know, so me and Aaron are going to have to fight them If they come here. Don't worry."

Aaron ruffled Morgan's hair," don't worry kid, we'll be fine!", he flashed her one of his rare smiles, even though he had the perfect smile.

" But what if you do die *sniffle* what would I do without you??"

"Keep on living because you're not dead?"

Morgan punched Carmine in the arm after that comment.

"Seriously," she was crying now," I couldn't go on without you two, you're the only one's who've been there for me, not even my parents have been there that often, they're too busy for me, this Christmas vacation that we're taking, is our first vacation together for 8 years."

Carmine and Aaron both walked to her side and hugged her.

"Don't worry," said Carmine," We'll be fine!"

"Yeah!" Aaron said," we won't, except if I don't practice these telepathic gifts I have!!"

Aaron ran up to his room and slammed the door. A little later all they could hear were things thumping against the walls and floor and one loud 'kamae hamae ha' for added effect on Aaron's part. After hearing that Carmine and Morgan laughed histerically from it being so funny and them being emotionaly drained.

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That night, someone opened the door, Willis had no clue who it was but all he felt was someone grabbing at him and clawing. He was able to throw a quick glance at Adrianna who looked extremely confused. This wasn't the normal transport routine because they didn't cover his head first.

Willis shot out his fist and caught the man's bearded face. Willis drew up all his strength he had left and threw another punch into the man's gut with a whoosh of air following after.

The door was still open as Willis noticed, the man had forgotten to close it.

"Adrianna!" he yelled," get out through the door, I'm right behind you!". He searched the man's cloak and pulled a pistol from his inner pocket. He slammed him in the face for good measure with butt of the gun and ran out with Adrianna. As soon as he caught up to her he grabbed her and swung her over her shoulder and ran down the hallways. He really didn't know where he was going, except by smell.

When he was being transported, he learned to hone in on smells incase he ever had to escpae without his sight, it payed off. He followed his nose to another door, down a hallway, left, left, left, right and finaly to a door. He threw it open and the light of the moon almost blinded him.

He hadn't seen the moon or sun in forever so he wasn't used to the light, but it sure helped. He put Adrianna down and grabbed her hand.

"Mister," she asked," are we safe now?"

"I don't know," replied Willis," I don't know,".


The sound of footsteps outside your house is never good, also when it is followed with the sound of shattered glass. Carmine and Aaron shot from Aaron's room and saw that morgan was already out of hers holding .38 magnum (which Aaron's dad kept on his bedside table). They all took a deep breath and slowly descended the stairs to meet their fate.

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